57 Zayn

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"Are you okay?" Zayn asked with obvious worry but also compassion in the way he looked at me. We knew each other for a while now and shared a lot, so I didn't take it bad that he was the first one tonight to ask, and talk about my situation.

Zayn was the very first person beside my french friends that i told my past. Somehow, i'd always felt that i could trust him, above anyone else, even Harry. I couldn't explain the feeling of trust that i had for him. He actually knew even more than him at the moment. Heretofore, he was very present and supportive, while we were hanging out we used to talk a lot and i trusted him, even when things became gloomy and complicated.

"To be honest and according to the circumstances I don't know " I sighed of sadness and looked at my drink. I'd drank a bit too much already, and the party won't end soon.

"Did you know?" I had to ask him. I didn't know when it began between Harry and that girl but I wanted to know if Zayn knew. Of course, I was hoping that if he had known, he would have told me. But now that I think about it, he was trying so hard to warn me about Harry, that I no longer knew what to expect, from anyone, even him.

"No, I would have told you". Zayn looked at me furrowing his eyebrows, he seemed a bit annoyed by the fact that i could think that he was hiding this from me. To comfort me, he pulled his right hand to carress my cheek softly and his eyes were showing care.

"Okay" I mumbled. "I look ridiculous. Everyone sees me as the numb girlfriend who's been cheating on". Pearls of tear were showing again, I knew I wouldn't last long, I was close to break and coldn't hide the scowl on my face.

"That's not what I see when i look at you, or think about you". Zayn's brown eyes were focused on me, while he's calm and soft voice warmth my heart, and it helped me a lot to keep the tears away.

He's so nice, and I felt grateful to have him around right now, by my side. However, I felt guilty for not being friends with him for a while because of Harry. This is so messed up. I agreed to stay away from him for the sake of my relationship with Harry... I was wrong to do this.

Zayn was doing his best to comfort me and it was working. He had always known how to make me laugh and think about something else when I felt bad.

"You look pretty hammered" Zayn laughed at my amount of alcohol. The worst thing was that he was right, I definitely drunk too much and I was afraid that I couldn't contain or control myself anymore. There were so many feelings in my mind, and heart, that i didn't know which one would show first and what i could do. Disappointment? Sadness? Anger?

Seeing that I'm not even able to respond something coherent, Zayn took my wrist and lead me outside. "Come with me". I followed him without hesitation, I needed to get out of here anyway, getting some air would be helfpful.

We headed to the parking lot where Zayn's car was parked. He opened the door and helped me to climb in before closing the door behind him. On our way i didn't forget to grab a bottle of champagne with me.

I was drinking my bottle of champagne while Zayn remained silent for a little while. He hadn't drink at all tonight.

We were both sitting in the backseat while i decided to speak up. "You want to know the fun part?" I asked Zayn smiling sillily as the alcohol was making its effect on my mood.

He frowned his eyebrows and smiled back at me, curious. "Tell me". The way he looked at me made me lost some of my confidence. Zayn's dark eyes and long eyelashes had always made me speechless. His glance is so intense.

"I didn't fucking sleep with you because of him."

i noticed how Zayn was interesting in what i was saying, and it made me laugh, while he was raising an eyebrow.

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