Chapter 1: Senior Year

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Senior Year

Mornings at the Pierces home in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia was hardly ever quiet. Especially with three teenage girls, triplets by chance and the only ones in the little town. The girls Katherine, Elena, and Amara Pierce hardly did anything without at least one other sister. They had a strong, sisterly bond even though they were all so different.

Katherine tended to be sassy, outspoken, and bossy (since she was the oldest by three minutes.) Next came Elena who was caring, empathetic, and the natural girl next door, the youngest of the girls (by fifteen minutes) was Amara who was the sweeter and shyer of the three, a natural "goody two shoes" as Katherine often teased her by calling her that.

The three girls had done everything together, but now this year was different. This was their senior year and each girl was trying to break out of the triplet shell and they had started as soon as they turned eighteen years old this past June 5th.

Katherine had just been nominated as captain of the cheerleading squad, was trying to maintain a long distance relationship with her boyfriend Elijah Mikaelson who was at college, and Katherine wanted to become a model right after high school.

Elena had just celebrated her two year anniversary with her (secret) boyfriend and Mystic Falls' bad boy Damon Salvatore, couldn't wait for college, and was planning of being the next Miss Mystic Falls.

Amara had just be accepted to a small, exclusive private boarding school in the outskirts of Easton, Connecticut that she had been trying to get into since her sophomore year and was planning on becoming a writer and hopefully getting over her shyness.

Yes, this was a new year. And change was just around the corner.

Katherine Pierce's alarm clock rang at exactly 6: 00 AM, but instead of playing the horrible bell sound it usually played, it played the newest Katy Perry song which helped tone down Katherine's annoyance just a little.

She sat up and smiled. Senior year. Today was the first day of senior year. One more year of high school and she would be free, free! She also remembered with a pang that this would be the first time in three years that she and her boyfriend of two years Elijah Mikaelson wouldn't be in the same school.

Katherine and Elijah had started dating when Katherine was a sophomore and Elijah was a junior, but now Elijah was a freshman at Whitmore College which was forty five minute away and which meant sadly that she and Elijah would only be seeing each other on the weekends.

Katherine got out of her bed and went towards Elena's bedroom, she wasn't surprised when she saw that Elena's bed was empty. All summer long while their parents got drunk on wine after dinner Elena had sneaked out of the house (by climbing down her window and using a pair of removable stairs) to sleep over at Damon Salvatore's house.

Katherine was amazed that her sister hadn't gotten caught yet. She was even more surprise that goody-goody, Miss Perfect Elena would even fall in love with the bad boy that was Damon Salvatore.

It was no secret that her parents as well as most of the parents in Mystic Falls despised Damon Salvatore for his car, his love of whisky, and his leather jacket. Katherine knew that her parents would have a heart attack if they knew that their sweet, innocent daughter had been dating Damon in secret for the past two years and that neither Amara nor Katherine had uttered a peep.

Katherine knew that at some point her parents had been afraid that she was going to end up with Damon and that they had been more than relieved when Katherine started dating the responsible Elijah instead.

Katherine went back to her bedroom and grabbed her red and black cheerleading uniform. She smirked she was the captain now. She was basically queen.

"Damon, stop!" Elena burst into giggles as her boyfriend, Damon Salvatore started kissing her neck resulting in Elena bursting into giggles. She didn't know why but every time she was with Damon she felt even more in love with him. Even though they had been dating secretly for the past two years behind her parents back with only her sisters and a few friends knowing Elena still got butterflies in her stomach whenever she was around Damon. "My parents are going to see us."

She had spent the night with Damon again in his parents' empty house and she was still dressed in her cute little baby doll top and shorts (that she had stolen from Katherine) and her brown hair was rumpled. She only had an hour until school started and her parents were probably awake, not to mention that Katherine was probably hogging the shower.

"Now they won't." Damon said as he pushed back a piece of dark hair. "They are probably still asleep."

Damon had drove Elena home in his vintage blue Chevrolet 1969 Camaro. His favorite car.

"I love you, Damon." She murmured.

"I love you too." Damon said as he kissed the tip of her nose. "See you in English."

Miles away in the outskirts of Easton, Connecticut Amara Pierce was following a short, chubby woman that reminded her of Mrs. Doubtfire. She couldn't believe that she was actually here walking the halls of Abbey Mount Academy one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the United States on a scholarship. Amara had always dreamed of this and now she was finally here. Being here would help her achieve her dreams.

Amara wanted to be a writer and this school had one of the best writing programs in the East Coast. Her parents had dropped her off last night and now her "house mother" Mrs. Swelling was showing her to her room and her roommate.

"I shouldn't have to tell you that drinking, swearing, smoking, drugs or any other inappropriate behavior isn't allowed Miss Pierce, do I?" Mrs. Swelling glared at her with her beady eyes.

"N-No." Amara practically jumped. Why was she being treated like a criminal?

"Good." Mrs. Swelling nodded as she opened the door of room 4B in the girls' dormitory. "This will be your room and your roommate Miss Tessa Gold."

Amara raised her head and in front of her stood a pretty, dark hair girl with one of the most wicked smiles that Amara had ever seen.

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