Chapter 14: The Birthday

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The Birthday

"He's going to be here any minute," Rebekah snapped at Katherine. Rebekah was wearing a clingy yellow dress while Katherine opted for a tight, black dress. It was the evening of Elijah's surprise birthday party and Rebekah and Katherine decided to throw it at home and even her stuffy parents had agreed as long as Rebekah and Katherine were responsible.

The Mikaelson' backyard was covered with tables, balloons, a table full of catered food, and a glossy birthday cake. Half of the guests were already there mostly Elijah's college friends that Rebekah had invited and a few underclassmen that Elijah had been friends with. Some of Elijah's friend had even managed to sneak in a keg.

"Rebekah, chill." Katherine said as she fluff her bangs. "Everything is going to be fine." Her cell buzz from a text from Stefan. She and Stefan had grown quite close ever since Stefan had starting coaching her on her running. "Stefan says he's almost near the driveway." She turned back to the guests. "Places people."

While everyone went to find a hiding place, Katherine tried to control her nerves. Elijah her boyfriend was going to be here at any moment and she wanted this party to be absolutely perfect. She heard Elijah locking his car.

"What did you want to show me Stefan?"

"It's um, a surprise, it's in here."

Elijah and Stefan entered the patio as the guests came out screaming. "Surprise!"

Elijah gave back a startled jump. "What the - "

Katherine walked towards him and kissed him. "Happy birthday, Elijah!"

"Thank you." Elijah kissed her again. "You did all of this for me?"

"Her and your loving sister," Rebekah said sarcastically as she kissed her brother on the cheek. "Happy birthday, Elijah."

Elijah gave her a hug. "Thank you, Bekah."

The rest of the party went smoothly much to Katherine and Rebekah's enjoyment and while everyone else focused on the free beer, Katherine managed to get some alone time with Elijah even if he was slightly ruining the romance by eating cake. "This is good." He said. "Where did you buy it? Want a bite, I don't think I've seen you eat anything."

Katherine shook her head as she wiped some frosting off his upper lip. "Betsy's Bakery, I'm glad you like it."

"I love it." He pulled her closer for a deeper kiss and started rubbing his hands across her back as their excitement grew.

"Your room," Katherine said in a breathy tone. "Now."

Elijah raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You sure?"

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

Much to Katherine's relief the Miss Mystic Falls pageant that usually happened in late November had been moved to January. Katherine was relieved because she needed to find the perfect dress, not to mention that she wanted to look thinner and more fabulous than the rest of the competition. She knew that she was being a hypocrite, but she was actually excited about the pageant. Who knew it might even be fun.

Katherine was going to Rebekah's to help her clean up when she saw Elena sitting on the dining room table and she stopped guiltily. Katherine had to admit that for the past few days she had been ignoring her sister, putting off excuse of why she didn't talk to her, but the truth was she didn't know what to say. What could she say to Elena? She didn't know what she could say to someone who had lost a baby.

Besides Elena was right neither of them had been supportive during the time that she was pregnant. Katherine hesitated when she saw her sister, she couldn't help but see how much she had changed. Elena looked thinner, paler, there were dark circles under her eyes, and her brown hair was dry.

Katherine shook her head as she walked towards her sister, she couldn't avoid Elena forever. She pulled back a chair. "Hey."

Elena forced a wobbly smile. "Hey."

Katherine leaned forward and squeezed her hand. "Listen I know I have been AWOL in the past couples of days . . . especially now that you need support, but honestly I didn't know what else to say other that I'm sorry. I should have supported you, I should have been kinder to you, I made a mistake and as your sister, I'm asking for your forgiveness."

Elena's lip wobbled. "Thank you for apologizing."

"How are you feeling? You look tired."

Elena sighed. "I am tired, I haven't been sleeping and I keep having nightmares. I feel weird, the doctor says it's going to take a few days for my body to get back to a normal routine and realize that I lost the baby. It's just it's hard."

Katherine cocked her head. "How about Damon? Have you've talked to him?"

Elena scoffed. "Honestly, I don't think I want to see Damon ever again." When Katherine looked confused, she elaborated. "We broke up, this baby, this short term pregnancy made me see things for real. I just don't think we're right for each other . . . at least not right now. I need time."

Katherine shrugged. "You'll figure it out. You and Damon will work things out and you'll be back to being a lovey-dovey annoying couple."

Elena laughed for the first time in a while. "Enough about me, it's depressing. Tell me about you-more specifically you and Elijah."

Katherine blushed. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course."

"You know Elijah's birthday party last night?" Elena nodded. "Well, after the cake we sneaked up to his old room and we - "

Elena grinned as she slapped Katherine's shoulder playfully. "Shut up, you did it! Your first time?" she stopped short. "You were safe right?"

Katherine nodded. "Condom, definitely."

"So how was it?" Elena asked eagerly, wanting news from other than her depressing life.

Katherine blushed prettily. "It hurt at first and it was a little awkward." Her blush deepened. "But very enjoyable."

Elena was about to press her for more details when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." She opened the door and froze when she saw who it was. "Damon."

She hadn't seen Damon in almost two weeks and yet here he was looking more handsome than ever. With his blue eyes he gave her a sheepish grin. "Hi, are you busy."

Elena shook her head. "No, come on in-"

"I rather not." Damon said. "It won't take long what I have to say."

"Oh, and what do you have to say?" she asked annoyed.

"First I want to apologize for being a mega asshole," he gave her a small smile that Elena didn't return. "I admit that I wasn't thinking straight and that I never thought our baby as our baby . . . I know it's too late for apologies."

"It is," Elena crossed her arms over her chest. "But thank you for saying it, do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes," Damon admitted. "I'm leaving Mystic Falls, I'm going to California. I'm leaving tonight actually."

Elena frowned, completely surprise. "You're leaving tonight? Why?"

"My aunt and uncle own a ranch there, they need some help," Damon gave her rueful smile. "And let's face it, I have no reason to stay, I always hated this small town anyway."

Elena gulped. "I guess not."

"I just wanted to say goodbye." When Elena didn't say anything, he turned around.

"Damon, wait!" There was something at the tip of Elena's tongue. She wanted to tell him not to leave, to stay, even though a part of her knew that they needed to make their own paths. Damon tuned around and looked at her with eager blue eyes, but Elena simply said. "I hope you enjoy California."

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