Part 23

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Chapter TwentyThree: Carter's P.O.V-

 Later that evening while Ross and I were sleeping there was a knock on the door. I rolled out of bed and wrapped myself in my robe. I slipped my slippers on my feet and trudged out to the door. I pulled the door open and was astounded by who I saw. Camila, Rydel, and Kaylynn still clad in their pajamas. 

 "Why are you guys here? It's four in the morning." I said. 

 "We've been thinking," Kaylynn said. 

 "This can't be good." I sighed, moving away from the door and dropping onto the couch. 

 "You have to stay awake!" Camila said. 

 "Fine," I moaned into the pillow my face was smushed into.

 "Ok so, we had a stunning revelation a few minutes ago!" Rydel said. 

 "You don't say?" I said sarcastically. 

 "Hush," She scolded "You said that Riley's going to be gone a couple nights, right," 

 "Yeah, why?" I sat up. 

 "Well, we were thinking that we could sneak into his apartment and see if we could find any dirt!" Kaylynn said. 

 "What do you think?" Camila asked. 

 "That is actually a brilliant idea!" I said loudly. 

 "I know right?" Rydel was just as excited as me "We'd like to thank our devious mind for the brilliant idea," 

 "Who was that?" I asked. 

 "Camila," Rydel and Kaylynn said. 

 "Me!" Camila said triumphantly. 

 I heard shuffling feet in the hall. 

 "What's going on?" my shirtless, boxer clad, boyfriend asked. 

 "The girls had a stunning revelation." I said. 

 "At four in the morning?" he asked, sleepily.  

 "Yeah," I said. 

 "Good for them," he yawned "Are you coming back to bed," 

 "I'll be there in a sec," I smiled. 

 "K," he said, turning back and walking to bed. 

 When he was gone I turned back to the girls. 

 "So we're thinking we could go sometime around noon?" Camila proposed. 

 "Yeah," I said "I'm in," 

 "Great," Rydel said "See you tomorrow," 

 I waved and let them out the door. When the door was closed I leaned against it and thought for a couple of minutes. I thought about what we'd find, what we wouldn't find, and everything in-between. With a sigh I decided that it was time to go back to bed. I removed my robe and kicked off my slippers. I crawled into bed next to Ross and hugged him, nuzzling my face into his bare back. 

 "Carter?" he was still groggy. 

 "Yeah," I sighed in contentment. 

 "What was their 'stunning revelation'?" he asked not moving. 

 "I'll tell you in the morning." I said. 

 "Ok," he yawned. 

 I kissed between his shoulder blades and then left my face there. I could feel him rolling over so I moved my face away. He wrapped his arms around me and kept me tight. 

 "I love you," he breathed. 

 "I love you more," I said. 

 "I love you most," he kissed my head and settled into the bed. 

 I kept my face on his chest for the rest of the night and comfortably slept till the sun came through the window. 

 I cloud feel the light shining on my face and the way Ross's chest rose and fell, breathing. I decided that I wouldn't get out of bed till Ross woke up. I could feel him slightly stirring next to me. 

 "Carter," he said "I have to go into work," 

 "No," I moaned. 

 "Yes," he laughed "I'm already late." 

 "Fine, just leave," I rolled over so my back was to him. 

 I was kidding, but he didn't know that so I played it up and gave him the silent treatment. 

 "Babe," he said "Babe I'm sorry," 

 I tried to stay quiet, but ended up failing miserably! I started laughing uncontrollably. 

 "Oh so you think this is funny, huh?" Ross asked. 

 I nodded because I couldn't stop laughing. Then he starts tickling me.

 "Ross STOP!" I kept laughing. 

 "Fine but only because I have to get going." He leaned down and kissed my lips. 

 "I love you," I said. 

 "Love you most," He kissed my nose and jumped off the bed heading to the get ready for the day. 

 I sat up in the bed and thought about the plan for today. Of course we'd need someone to sit in the lobby and keep a look out just incase Riley and Francesca decided to come back. As I was formulating this Ross came back into the room. 

 "See you later," he said. 

 "Have a good day," I said, smiling. 

 "Are you all right?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

 "Yeah," I said "Why wouldn't I be," 

 "I'm just being a worried boyfriend." He chuckled. 

 I wished I could tell him, but I didn't want him to worry. 

 "You know what tomorrow is right?" I beamed at him, getting up on me knees and moving closer to him. 

 "How could I forget?" He smiled. 

 I was so happy he remembered! 

 "It's my day off," 

 "What else is it besides your day off?" I asked. 

 "Oh yeah, our anniversary," He pulled me to him and kissed me. 

 The kiss lasted longer than expected and then he phone started to buzz. 

 "Hello," he reluctantly pulled away from me and got off the bed. 

 Ross blew me one last kiss before walking out the door. I waited till I heard the door close then texted the girls to get ready to go. While I was doing my hair I started to think of things to expect out of this little mission thing. 

 Hey y'all! I am SO SORRY that I didn't update earlier today. I've been in and out of the house in preparation of my Nana's birthday. So now that it's done I hope you all like it! The External link to the side is the outfits that the girls wore in this chapter. As always thanks for reading and I love you guys! 


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