Part 25

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Chapter TwentyFive: Rosie's P.O.V- 

 I thought it would be a good idea to go out with the girls; get some shopping done and do some of the photos for my travel blog. I was glad that I did because it felt like old times; just hanging out and shopping. We went to a bunch of random dress stores to look for something for Carter to wear for her anniversary dinner tomorrow night. We ended up finding three dresses, but we couldn't decide which one she should wear. I really liked the yellow one because her favorite color is yellow and so is Ross's, but Camila liked the purple one because it went better with cowgirl boots and Rydel and Kaylynn liked the Maxi because it was long and although it looked formal it was still comfortable. 

 We bought all three to get some input from Mrs. Lynch and maybe even Ross. We walked on, holding our shopping bags, to the movie set. I'd never been on a movie set before so this was very exciting. When we got to the set Carter dropped something into one of her shopping bags and gave them to Camila. Carter started walking to the actual set while we walked to the trailer. I watched her skip off to surprise Ross and couldn't help but wonder what was in the bag. 

Carter's P.O.V-

 I dropped the cellphone into one of my shopping bags and handed them off to Camila. I pointed them in the direction of the set and went off to find Ross. He was sitting in his chair, sunglasses covering his eyes, sipping an iced tea and reading his script. I snuck up behind him and covered his eyes under his glasses. 

 "Guess who," I whispered into his ear. 

 "It's most definitely Carter." Ross said. 

 "Good guess," I kissed behind his ear. 

 Ross reached his arms around me and pulled me in front of him. 

 "Did ya miss me?" I asked, tipping my head to the side. 

 "Of course," he grabbed my hips "Were you not getting any of my texts?" 

 "I got them I just wanted to hear you say it." I smiled. 

 Ross looked at me from underneath his eyelashes. 

 "I was thinking about making dinner tonight; what would you like?" I asked.

 "Hmmm," He said, picking up my hands and clapping them together over and over again "Surprise me," 

 "You got it," I smiled. 

 "Are you as excited about tomorrow as I am?" he asked. 

 "Yes," I said "The girls and I went shopping for something for me to wear tomorrow night, but I can't decide which to wear," 

 "Maybe I can help." He smirked up at me. 

 "I was hoping you could." I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

 Ross pulled me down to his level and kissed my lips. One of his hands stayed on the small of my back and the other traveled up to between my shoulder blades. His lips tasted of the sweet tea he'd been sipping on moments ago and it drove me crazy. I placed my hand at the back of his head and held him to the kiss. This he seemed to like. 

 "Ross Lynch to-Oh… Uh… Never mind. Calum, Raini to set please." The set manager said. 

 I slid my hands down to his shoulders. 

 "You should get to set." I pressed my forehead to his. 

 "I wish I could, but I don't want to let go of you." He whispered, his breath breezing over my face. 

 "I know," I sighed. 

 "Ok Ross, we need you on set now." The director said. 

 Ross sighed, and kissed my nose.

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