Michael's POV
I couldn't find Kevin, I was starting to panic. What if there really is a killer out there? I thought to myself, the only evidence we have is the blood and broken window. For all we know, Donna could of hit her head and gone crazy, I just needed to calm down. Maybe Kevin had gone for a swim, or maybe into town, just going to have to hope that there isn't some deranged pyschopath out there to kill us.
I start heading back and bump into Jodi and Tim, I stare at them blankly, Jodi looks as if she's seen a ghost.
"Jodi?" I ask silently.
"We- we... think Donna might be dead" Jodi stutters.
"No. We just saw a pool of blood, for all we know it could be an animal. We haven't found the body. Donna might have just gone a bit crazy, I pretty sure she's the one with a mental illness history" Tim explains comforting. Now that I think about it, Donna has never been like this, she is not the one with mental illness.
"You're funny because she hasn't had a mental meltdown since last year. Also, Linda's the one with the mental illness" Jodi says blankly.
"Take her inside, she's a bit traumatized. I'll go look for Kevin" Tim says.
As Jodi starts bearing her head into my chest, she begins to bawl her eyes out, clearly panicked. I race towards the house. If something out there is dangerous, I need to at all costs, protect Jodi.
David's POV
After making out with Lisa for awhile, we undressed each other and go to bed. I started thrusting her on the bed, making the bed creak. Her passionate groans rung in my ears, she was a great fucker. What I love about this whole "killer" situation, we get privacy in the main lodge, however, Linda's downstairs. God knows what she's doing.
After some time of fucking, we heard the door open from downstairs and a sobbing Jodi. Lisa, concerned for Jodi, stands up at quickly puts some underwear on, she walks over, her hand perched at her chin, to the door. Checking if she's okay. She soon steps out of the room.
"Is she okay?" Lisa asks concerned.
The door soon slams shut behind her, locking me in, her pleas and smashing fists on the door are heard. A figure in the dark is seen closing the door, any features are covered by the black coat the figure wears. The dark silhouette of a figure approached me and the bed slowly. I quickly put my pants on and look for a way out.
Figure's POV
David bolted for the window and fiddled with the sliding window, struggling to open it. I leap over to the boy and stab him multiple times in the back, he screamed in agony, and the screams of terror could be heard on the other side of the door. Would the bitch shut up? He collapses into the window, half of his body hanging outside. From the feet, I elevated his feet before throwing them out the window.
The door was soon being busted open, I had to make my exit. The window was too dangerous, I could damage myself, slowing myself. I slide and hid in the closet door, seconds before Michael busts the door open.
"Shit, shit shit shit!" Michael complains, hearing his footsteps patter over to the window.
"What happened?" Lisa asks quietly, I peek through the blinds of the closet and see Lisa in my view, Jodi examining the bed, and Michael at the window. I come up with a plan, it just seemed so perfect.
Jodi's POV
I crouched over the bed, cum has patched itself in the center of the bed.
"Did you and David fuck?" I ask Lisa.
"It was good. Until this happened" She mumbles, biting her lip.
In an instant, as the air grasped Lisa's final words, a figure, about as tall as Lisa. Shot out of the closet and tackled her to the ground. Lisa screamed in fear, and wresled the figure. Michael kicks the figure in the stomach. As the figure rolls on the ground and Michael helps Lisa to her feet, the figure flees, stunning Lisa with a cut in her stomach.
"Hel..-p.. p-plee--as...e" Lisa spits, coughing up blood. We need to get her help. Fast.
"Jodi ring the police and I'll get some bandages" Michael stumbles, before rushing off to get a med kit.
I had no signal, so I ran downstairs and out, just to get a signal. Nothing! I panicked. Then me and Michael exchanged looks as the screams and choking of Lisa echo throughout the house.
"What the fuck?" Linda says, oblivious to the situation.
"Lisa..." I mumble under my breath. In a split second, Lisa's body comes crashing through the door and over the railing. The three of us stare in shock, someone mutilated her body, she had one too many slashes across her body. Then the most shocking, high-pitched screamed, shot out of Linda as she collapsed on the floor. Bawling her eyes out.
"What the fuck is going on?" Linda sobs.
"We can't know for sure that theres a killer on the loose" Michael says, shocked.
Tim burst through the room, and our heads all turn to him simutaneously. He looks in shock at the dead body of Lisa.
"Is..- s-hh.-e dd-eea..d?" Tim mutters.
"Maybe. Possibly. I think so. Most likely" Linda stutters.
"Who did it?" Tim stubbornly asks.
"We don't know" I reply shyly.
"David? Kevin? Any of you three?" Tim accuses, stubbornly.
"We said we don't know!" I shout.
Tim just stands there in utter embarassment, he accused of people he trusted. Disgusting. But we had to move on and we all piled out the door muttering any sense of what happened. All I can think of right now. Who else is dead? Are we the only ones alive? Who's doing this? More importantly why?

Friday the 13th
Mistero / ThrillerWhat if you were thwarted against your will? What if all chances of survival are destroyed? Help is far from Camp Crystal Lake, and when a new group of counselors goes back to renovate, the-once-popular-camp, a psychotic maniac is on the loose for r...