---Chapter Seven---

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Maybe i spoke too soon. Did i not? Well congrats to me, for finding a million, and ONE caves in the PERFECT little valley, with the perfect little lake at the back, with a perfect little waterfall, and some perfect HUGE( ha, a change for once) trees mediumly spread out along the sides.

Everything is suppose to be perfect, correct? Well, again, congrats Mountain for speaking too soon. What amazing luck, right?

Padding over too a cave, one on the caves you have to go around half the lake, and under the waterfall, I slowly creep into it.

Letting my eyes adjust, for what seems like hours, I slowly take a look around the cave.

Of course, this freaking valley gets even better. Great. Cause everything has to be rainbows and unicorns in this god damn place. Not that im complaining or anything....... I just feel like, ya know, killing something?

Padding farther into the cave, i get a better view of the whole cave.

The cave is sort of two layered, if thats what you want to call it. Wait, maybe three, i don't know, just give me a freaking break! Ok, so, first entering the cave, looking to the left, there is a good 3 yards that way, before a small ledge starts to appear, around a yard off the ground. Enough off the ground i don't have to break my back trying to climb it. The ledge goes around a foot and a half back, before reaching a wall. To the right, is a wall. Yay?

Now, the best part, in my opinion. Here we go. Going to the back, about 3 yards from the entrance, ya i know, a 3 by 3 square, so amazing. There is a cliff, about 5 yards downward. On the right side, there is what looks like a natural ramp, downwards. Now, on the so called second level, there are around another 3 feet between the cliff, and another wall. The freaky part is, there is what looks like a moss bed in the corner, right next to the small pond, did i mention there was a small 1by 1 yard pool at the end of the second level? I don't think so.

By the time I am sone exploring my cave, i decide to make a little prey hole outside my cave.

Digging a small hole in the dirt right outside my cave, i exit the waterfall entrance to the cave. Yes, besides the waterfall are two archways, small enough for a young human to fit through, on either side.

Making my way around the pond, I spot a nice and plump, juicy rabbit, enjoying an afternoon snack of some berries.

Creeping up to the rabbit, i find myself in a crouched position, exactly the position i used to use when hunting in the forest. My home.

Daydreaming back to the forest, i find myself thinking about River, was that dream i had really true? Did River want me in Hell? Was she turned into a slave of Hailstorm, like Stick?

Snapping my thoughts back to the present, i watch my prey with hawk like eyes. Creeping up a tad bit more to the rabbit, i force myself in a ready to spring position, i continuously stare at the prey, and pounce.

With a swift bite to the neck, the rabbit lay limp in my paws. The satisfying feeling of joy spreads across my body as i realize i can still overpower something, even if its a rabbit.

Head held up high, i trot back to my cave, and plop the rabbit in the hole. Racing back around the pond, i go out to hunt more and more, and finally, when i see the sun setting, i pad back to my cave, right after delivering a final blow to the squirrel under my paws.

After padding around the pond for what seemed like forever, i drop the squirrel in the hole, and see what todays hunt brought in. Two squirrels, one rabbit, two shrews, and a nice and huge turkey.

Grabbing the rabbit first hunted from today, i walked back into my cave, and hopped up on the ledge to the left. Plopping down right right against the two walls, i devoured my meal, like a vulture.
Pushing aside the remains of the rabbit i had just eaten, i jumped down from the ledge and trotted out the door, to find some moss for a bed.

Again, padding around the lake, i spot a tree and head straight in that direction. Approaching the moss tree, my ears catch what seems like more cats.

Spoke too soon, right? Ya? Snapping my head around to the direction of the noise, i scan a quick three-sixty of the area, and decide it was just my imagination.

I collect all the moss required for a good bedding, and drag it slowly back around the lake and into my cave.

Looking around my cave, i decide to place the moss bed in the corner I had eaten the rabbit in.

Slowly pulling the moss up the ledge, i pat it down into a bed with my paws. Climbing on top of it, i settle down, ready to go to sleep.

I fall asleep just as my head hits the soft moss. Sinking further into a dreamless sleep, i let myself believe that everything would be alright now. No. More. Running.
Soft voices slowly creep into my dreams.
"Why do we need her, Reg," came a voice from my dreams. "If she was strong enough to fight off Hailstorm, then wouldn't she still be living in tue forest?"
Point in life when you realize that the perfect valley you picked out is invaded.
"Just give her a chance Mel. Riv sighted it all. She even helped this one fend off the badger."
Riv? Was that RivER? I needed to know. It was time to blow the cover.
"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY-" I was cut off when I think Reg attacked me.
"Hush child, we are here to help you. I am Regan, commonly known as Reg, and this bag of dirt," she said motioning to Mel,"This is Melon, commonly known as Mel."
I stared, plane and utterly shocked. Releasing a breath I didn't know i was holding, I let my fur fall flat again, and relaxed my tense bones.
"Mountain" i grumbled. The sleep i never recovered from the forest was kicking in, again.
"Ok, Mountain. Is it ok if I call you Train, cuz tain and train, kinda the same thing i guess. Oh ya, tain, as in MountTAIN," Reg said, seeing my confused face.
I let down the face and processed what she said. Train, I liked it. Giving an approving smile, i gave a friendly and sharp yes.
A new name gives me a new start. Away from all the torture i gad suffered with Mountain. I was new. I was different. I was Train.
After listening to the long, and detailed version Reg and Mel told me, I concluded that they could of just told me they worked against Hailstorm, and took in the ones who escaped her and helped them.
They also told me a few other things. The cave i was currently stating in, i could keep as my own. They also told me that the catS who slept here before had returned to the forest. As Stick, and Riv. RIVer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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