---Chapter One---

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In case I haven't told you, my name is Mountain. I am a cat who was risky enough to cross Hailstorm and her cat's paths. As I said, never do this.

I dove into my second camp just to hear the sound of pawsteps behind me. I darted into the den I had created as well as the camp and turned around, just to see Ripple standing in the entrance looking wide eyed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. "I thought I told you to stay out of this until it was over?" "I just wanted to be with you, sorry I trotted on your tail, I won't do it again. Have they come for you, again?" "Yes Ripple. Again." I responded, incase you did not know, Ripple is another one of my friends, like Stick. "We have to leave" said Ripple. "Why Ripple, you know as much as I do that they have know idea where I am." "Yes they do Mountain, yes they do." "Ripple, that's impossible, I told Stick to not tell anyone I was here and I trus-" "Mountain, Stick, he....he" "Ripple, come on." "He told them. I heard him, he did, they were going to kill him if he didn't answer. They were I heard." Now in all my cat years, I would of never done this. "Come on Ripple, let's go."

We raced out of the camp like two speeding bullets, me following Ripple. "Where are we going?" I asked Ripple. "To the mountains." Ohno, I hated the mountains, just because I was named Mountain doesn't mean I like mountains.

We headed twords the mountains, but stopped at the soft padding of a cat in front of us. "Who do you think it is Mountain?" Ripple whispered to me. "Well, well, well, who do we have here? Looks like Mountain and her excuse of a cat, Ripple."

We both froze and looked at each other, puzzled. Then I knew it. It was Hailstorm. I looked at Ripple and padded the other way, then Ripple pounced on a leaf making Hailstorm look the other way giving me a plan. I would say "You got me Hailstorm!" turn to Ripple and we would both attack her surprising her enough to let us get a head start away from her. I hoped this would work. Now time to put it into action. "You got me Hailstorm!" I shouted. Then I signaled to Ripple, and went in.

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