---Chapter Six---

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"Mountain, alas. You're the cat everyone's been talking about," said a very familiar voice.

Where have I heard this voice!

"No need to worry Mountain, your mate Jay, has had a wonderful trip to death." Nono, what he said couldn't be true. I look over, no Jay.

"JAY!!!!!" I try calling, but another sharp pain hits me in the chest. "Shut it, you son of a biscut." Son of a biscut, is that some sort of food? "Maybe since I know your name I might as well tell you mine. Cole." He replys.

"Dad," I start but can't finish. My own father, set out to kill me.

"Mountain! Mountain please come here! Now!"

"Ok ok. Calm your tail down!"

I trotted over to Jay. "OhmyfrigginggodJay!" There was a huge gash in his side, and the worst part, tons and tons of blood pouring out of it. It made me want to gag.



"Ripple," I breathed the familiar name again, "What are you doing here," pain, all over my body, Ripple, bloody claws, "Ripple, who the heck are you and what the heck do you want with me?"
"I want you in hell Mountain."


"Jay?" I asked, no response.

Seeing as I'm awake, let me get the heck out of this bloody cave.

I tried to stand up, but failed miserably. I took a good look around me, nobody.

Yay, I'm a loner. Note the sarcasim.

Well yay for me, I get to be stuck in a bloody cave all day with no Jay. Lucky me. Wait, I can always drag my tail outta this hole, or give standing another option.

I think we all know what to do.

"Slowly Mountain, slowly," I wispered to myself.

One foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be otta this creep like place.

Around a good half a day later, I could walk, not very much, but good enough to continue my amazing journey through the mountains. I walked some way, and found my little patch of grass. It reminded me too much of how I had come back from that lovely scene, to a horror movie.

I walked the opposite direction, great I have to go down a mountain. Not looking forward to this. I found a small path, bout a foot wide, and started down it.

Once or twice I lost my footing, other than that, pretty smooth. I continued on my journey just to find the best place ever. It took my breath away. Right in front of me, behind a cool looking rock with a crack in it, privacy, sweet, was a bunch of grass covering the whole clearing, with millions of rabbits, and at the back, a beautiful waterfall. Plus, added bonus, a pre dug out cave.


Welcome home Mountain, welcome home.


Hullooooooooo! Sorry for the short chapter, life happened :/, anyways, hope you enjoyed!! Be sure to keep hope on me, I'm currently making a new book, so updates will be slow, but I'll try to get the chapters a little more longer, also, this might be a little weird chapter for you as it was for me, mostly all of this was just how I was feeling about the charachters, and yes, before anyone asks, Ripple betray Mountain in her vision, as well as real book life.

Make sure to give that little star down there sum lovin! Cyall l8r!!!!!!
Also, before this is forgotten, my book cover was made by CarolinePyer, make sure to check her out, she's an amazing writer, and if you would like a cover done for one of your own books, you can email her at carolinewritesbooks@gmail.com!!!!!

Now cyall l8r!!!

~Cheyecheye xoxo

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