Just A Kiss?

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 Chapter 12

“Jaekob.” I asked scared. “You heard that right?”

Jaekob's face was blanched white. It looked as though all the blood had been completely drained from his body. I took my arm away and crawled out of the vehicle grabbing my machetes and guns. Quickly sliding the guns into their places I booked it into the house. Behind me I could hear Jaekob sprinting to keep up.

I jumped into the house sliding so I could see into the kitchen. The house was silent besides Jaekob's labored breathing. Gently I twirled the blades advancing slowly deeper into the house.

“Jordey!” I called out. Nothing could be heard in response. Glancing over my shoulder at Jaekob I could tell he was terrified. Sheathing my machetes I patted his shoulder. “He'll be okay, I'm here for both of you.” I glanced around quickly and handed him one of the guns. “Here, you search the house, I'll look outside. Aim for the head or shoulder.”

Jaekob looked uncertainly at the gun in his hand. “Do you really...” He trailed off.

“Yes, I do. Now go search the house, if you find anything that moves and isn't Jordey, shoot.” I patted the gun in his hand and ran outside. Against my better instinct I called out loudly. “Jordey! Jordey if you're out there scream!”

Nothing. My heart beat quickened. 'He was gone, he was lost. One of the guys I had saved is gone.' I thought frantically to myself. I shook my head and cleared it. 'No, he's not gone until I say he is.'

“JORDEY!” I screamed loudly. It echoed around, bouncing off the trees to my right. There was a faint yell in reply. My heart stopped for a split second. It was coming from the forest. Taking out my guns I ran off towards it.

Trees flashed past on both sides as I ran. The yell was getting louder as went deeper into the forest.

“Jordey! Where are you!?” I yelled stopping as I reached a clearing. There was groan to my left. I turned both guns facing forwards, ready to shoot. The thing my guns was trained on was enormous. Once a very fat man now a very fat infected. Blood speckled drool dripped from its blackened lips. Rolls of now rotted fat hung below the bottom of his shirt. In his hands was Jordey, his arm was bent at an unnatural angle but that was it. I breathed a sigh of relief and aimed my gun at the things head.

In one shot this would all be over, in one shot this thing would be dead, in one shot... in one shot... in one shot...

The thing started garbling, inhaling deeply and exhaling through a hole in its cheek. Its exhales sounded like whistles, its inhales like in was sucking a bunch of pop up a tiny straw. I inhaled deeply and fired. The bullet went wide suddenly, as if deflected by some weird force.

One second I was on my feet, the next I was flat on my back. The gun in my injured hand skittered away, burying itself in the deep grass. Jumping to my feet a shot my other gun quickly clipping the fat zombie in the head. It stumbled for a second then fell back on its butt like a snorlax from pokemon. Jordey rolled out of its arms, screaming in pain as the bone in his arm scrapped against raw nerve. I ran over to him.

“Jordey! Jordey!” I yelled in his ear. I lightly ran my hands through his hair calming him. “Shh, shh. I have to set the bone.” I murmured softly in his ear. I grabbed a stick from near by and placed it in his mouth. “Bite down on it for the pain.” I instructed.

Unsure he nodded. Tears formed in his eyes as I grabbed his arm. “Here goes nothing.” I muttered. Inhaling deeply I snapped the bone back into place.

A blood curdling scream followed as Jordey bit down on the stick. I grimaced and broke off two big sticks from a nearby tree. I unwrapped my hand and used the bloody bandage to tie the splint in place. “There.” I said wiping the tears off his face. “I'm so sorry, I should have been watching you.” I helped him to his feet. “We have to go, now. If we don't we'll get caught by the infected. They are sure to have heard that.” I helped Jordey to his feet, taking care not to touch his arm unnecessarily. I fetched my gun from the meadow and helped him walk back, lending him my support. “What hurt you?” I asked as we got closer to the house.

“So fast... I don't know... I never saw it...” He answered through pained pants. The house was finally within view.

'Something fast enough not to be seen.' I thought, mulling over the idea. If there were any infected out there like that I knew it was only a matter of time before we were all wiped out. I shuddered at the thought.

“Jordey? Jordey!?” Jaekob yelled running towards us. I let Jordey go to his brother. They hugged awkwardly. “Jordey, what'd you do?” Jaekob asked.

Jordey looked at me quickly. “This ones all yours.” I said sticking my tongue out at him. I glanced around nervously.

“I got attacked. I'm fine though, my arm just got broken. Haven saved me before any further harm could be done.” He looked over at me graciously. “Thanks Haven, I don't know what we would have done without you.” I just nodded as they hugged yet again.

“Guys, no offense, I get that your happy to be alive, but we need to get moving. Jordey's scream is sure to have brought the infected bearing down on us. We have maybe two minutes to actually get clear of this place before the first of them appear. Jordey, get in the back. Me and Jaek will get the water. Alright everyone, lets go.”

“Man, is she ever bossy.” Jaek said loudly so I'd hear it.

“Haha, very funny. Get to packing.” I glared at them both and ran to the house, putting away my guns in their holsters.

“Hey, Haven. Can I ask you something?” Jaekob asked as we got inside. I turned and looked at him.

“Ask away.” I answered. My heart sped up a few beats as I looked him in the eyes. 'Am I developing some sort of heart disease?' I wondered scared.

Jaekob leaned back against the wall. “About before, when we were in the back of the car. If we hadn't of been interrupted, would you have...” Jaek trailed off looking down at his feet embarrassed.

I walked over to him, glad for once that I was shorter than him. “Come on, finish.” I said as I tilted his face up to look at mine.

“Would you have kissed me back.” He finished softly.

My eyes widened as I blushed. “Um... Uh...”

He pressed his lips to my forehead lightly. “I've never been so into a girl.” He mumbled as he pulled away. “Your cute when you blush.” He walked away from me gathering bottles. I followed behind, my face red like a tomato's. We placed the last of the bottles in the back and slammed the trunk shut.

“I'll be right back.” I said turning back towards the house. “I'm going to grab all your medicine, my stocks are running low in that department.” I booked it back into the house and grabbed all the stuff I could find in the bathroom. It had been over 30 minutes since Jordey had screamed and we hadn't seen hide nor tail of any of the infected. “Where are they?” I wondered aloud. Softly sighing I ran back outside. I dumped all the pills into the passenger side floor and slammed the door shut.

“Why does it go at my feet?” Jaek complained.

“Cause I figured you'd need something to do.” I answered with a sigh. “Say good bye to your house you two.” I said climbing in the front seat. “This may be the last that you see of it.” I did a quick U-turn and tore out of the property.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2011 ⏰

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