The Real World

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My cousin tells me that my girlfriend is changing me in negative ways. In reality I'm growing up and finally realizing the world I live in isn't all sunshine and rainbows. The world I live in is full of judgemental pricks. Everyone is always on my bad side these days. I lay on my girlfriend on the sofa all the time, at my house, her house, my grandma's house even and no one has ever fussed about it. Until, I am at her aunt's and her uncle gets pissed and accuses us of being disrespectful. Like what the fuck and at school if we hug or anything we get yelled at, but if you walked around my school there are boyfriend's and girlfriends holding hands and hugging all the time in front of us and teachers and the teachers don't say a word. For example, at our school dance my girlfriend had some cleavage showing and the teacher called ME over to fucking tell my girlfriend to cover her cleavage like who does that?! Most of the girls at that dance were wearing crop tops and spaghetti straps which are not dress code at all. Then I was just comforting my girlfriend because she was getting stressed out by the whole dilemma and an aid comes over and says no PDA girls. I almost snapped, it's like the world wants me to become a murderer or a school shooter. I scare myself sometimes knowing that one of these times I'm going to snap and start killing people. When I tell my parents I need anger management they are more worried about my brother's anger problems. I swear we are the only ones who get yelled at. Why are all these people around me everyday fucking homophobes? I swear I can't go anywhere without getting yelled at or scolded for something I did with my girlfriend. Like fuck people might as well put me in a padded room now, isolate me from all of these fucking people that I can't stand. I know I'm still "little" and am not an adult yet, but damn if I'm already dealing with shit like this how is life going to be like when I am an adult?

Sorry this was a long rant/vent because honestly people like to piss me off. 👌

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