Chapter 7

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I smiled in return to his welcoming me and continued to look around. I still couldn't stop looking at his house awe. It was just so large and beautiful. I saw that the kitchen cabinets had a wooden design on them and in the middle of the kitchen was an island with a marble top.

To the left I saw a small black table that could fit 3 or 4 people. Above the table was a big window, and 2 smaller windows on each side of it. The living room had a giant brown couch at the end and a TV in the back. In the middle there was a small coffee table which had all sorts of things on it. To the side of the TV was 2 black shelfs on either side that contained only a couple vases.

I guess he saw that I was staring because he said, "Do you like it?" After he said that he scratched the back of his head. "Of course! It's really pretty!" I said still staring. "You haven't even see upstairs yet" He said matter-of-factly. I just giggled in response. "Since ya can't walk I'll have to carry you up then I'll get your wheelchair" He said as he started to pick me up. My face turned bright red as he was carrying me up the stairs.

I was holding on to his neck so I wouldn't fall off, which made it that much more awkward. Once we got to the last step he came to a stop. On my left I could see a short hallway with 3 doors, and my right I saw another short hallway but the back of this one had an open space which had a desk with a ton of papers on it. Then on the side of the desk area were two large doors.

"Well over there" He said pointing to one of the 3 doors on my left "Is gonna be your room. The door over there" He pointed to one of the doors beside it "is your bathroom, I have one in my room so that one is all yours. And there" He pointed to the other door on the opposite side of the bathroom "is an empty room which you can use it for anything"

'anything...... i will probably use it as a library'

When the nurse gave me those 4 books I finished all of them in 2 days. I really liked to read, so hopefully Gajeel had some books...... even though he didn't seem like the reading type. "Thank you so much!" I told him and squeezed his neck a bit.

I thought I saw a tint of pink in his cheeks but I'm probably being delusional. "No problem Shrimp" He responded while walking towards my new room. He kicked the door open with his foot and set me down on a bed. The room was a peach color and didn't have anything in it expect for a full sized bed with white white sheets on it. It smelled like roses.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna get your wheelchair" He said sternly and started to walk away. I laid down on the soft mattress. I hadn't realized how sleepy I was until just now. A couple seconds after I laid down sleep took hold of me.

*time skip next morning*

I awoke to a something furry touching my face. I tried to shoo whatever it was away but it wouldn't give up. After awhile of trying and failing I opened my eyes to see a black cat pawing at my face. I groaned and slowly got up. I wiped my eyes and adjusted to the light.

There was a window behind me but the blinds, to my great relief, were closed so only a little bit of light peeked through. I started to smell eggs and pancakes so I tried to get out of bed. "Ahh!" I said as softly as I could through clenched teeth. Just moving my legs a little bit hurt so much.

'this is going to be a problem'

All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly identified the person as Gajeel because of how loud and dominant they sounded. I heard him walk down the short hallway and open the door slightly. Once he saw I was awake he opened it all the way. He was wearing black shorts with a white tank top, and his hair was more unruly then usual but it was pretty cute.

'what are you talking about levy?? did you just call this guy cute? i mean he is- shut up levy!'

He suddenly rushed over to me. "Shrimp what's wrong?!" He asked urgently. He was eyeing my hand which was holding on to the sheets so hard my knuckles were white. I guess that I my legs had hurt so much I grabbed on to the sheets. "Oh! I'm fine don't worry!" I said as I quickly let go of the sheets.

I didn't want him to know how much my legs hurt. "Are you sure shrimp?" He asked. "Yeah! Yeah! Don't worry about me...." I said forcing a fake smile. He seemed hesitant but shrugged it off. "Are ya hungry?" He asked. "Yes! The smell of the eggs and pancakes are killing me!" I said. He chuckled and picked me up.

Once we were down stairs he put me down on a chair. In front of me was a table and another chair across from me. I heard him grab a plate and placed it in front of me. On it was eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I quickly grabbed my fork and ate. I was done in almost no time. "Wow.....that was really good! Like really good! Where did you get it?" I asked honestly curious as to what restaurant served heaven.

"I actually cooked it" He said kind of smiling but at the same time keeping his normal scowl. My eyes opened wide. "Are you a chief or something?" I asked. "No" he said while chuckling "I'm actually a mechanic. I build and fix cars" This guy is good at everything... "Thats really awesome! Is it fun?" I said. He shrugged, "Sometimes. Other times I hate.

Like when a car comes with only a little damage, or the car I'm building is really small" I just giggled and he looked up at me with a questioning look and I just shrugged.

After breakfast Gajeel and I spoke for a bit, just small talk. "Oh shoot! I have to go to work!" He said looking at his watch. "Oh! Ok...." I was kind of wary about staying by myself especially since I could barely move. "Unless you want me to stay." He said eyeing me.

'that would be great!'

But I didn't want to be the reason he didn't go to work or didn't have enough money. "I-It's fine!" I said. Damn. I can't even even stop myself from stammering can I? He raised one brow. "Are ya sure Shrimp? I can stay-" He was cut off by my finger. "I'm going to be fine." I said as reassuring as humanly possible at the moment. "Ok...." He commented while slowly getting off his chair.

He carried me to the couch and went upstairs. When he came down he was wearing a dirty gray jumpsuit with some holes in it. When he got to the last step he brought me some books. "You read?" I asked seriously surprised. "No. They were my mom's." He said sternly. I was guessing something happened to his mom seeing that it looked like a touchy subject for him, so I didn't ask.

I waved and said, "Bye Gajeel!" It was kind of stupid for me to wave since he wasn't even looking at me but whatever. "I'll be home by 5:00." He said walking out the front door.

'great. it's only 11:00'

I just inwardly groaned and pulled out one of the books. On the cover was a cliff. Towards the edge of the cliff was a girl crying. She seemed to be looking down, like something was down there. I looked up and the title read: My Lost One

Hello everyone! I just realized that almost every single time I update this story, it's at night. XD what can I say? I'm a night owl. 0-0 Plus, since everyone in the house is asleep it's peaceful. Fun fact: The first chapter of this story was published at 2:00 A.M. lol Anyways, I started a new fanfic a couple days ago it's called: Counting the Days. I really like the storyline and I'm trying to keep a steady schedule to update each story once a week : ) On a different note, remember to vote and comment! I really want to hear what you guys think of the story!

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