Little Ones

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(NOT EDITED) dedication to Dragonette_Zombie because she is basicallly the goddess of poems.


Was it just me,

Or you disappeared?

I'm not sure,

Were you here,

Or was it my mind,

Playing sick games on me?

"Best of both worlds," they'd say,

"S'okay," I'd reply,

But in reality,

I was lost in your eyes.

Were you here?

Answer me please,

Were you really here?

Our minds betray us,

Our imagination is dangerous,

And I'm always outrageous.

I was betrayed,

More than once,

But it felt it was just an ooze,

Of the cruelty of society.

Long Letters,

Lost Words,

Many Papers,

Different Worlds.

I can't describe us,

But I can give you this,

And it is my heart.

A spoonful of sweetness,

A cup of cruelty,

A cup of bitterness,

A cup of meaningless,

What do we got?

Our pointless fears.

Paine filled my body,

Shock in everybody,

But I ain't nobody.


They shine like diamonds,

We want them,

Until they are already eating us.

Fear, sweetie,

Pointless and meaningless,

But dangerous.

Adventures filled my dreams,

Mountains filled my view,

But you,

You filled my emptiness.





Like us.

Birds have feathers,

They fly,

Gracefully in the sky,

You don't have feathers,

But you fly,

I know you are,

With a fucking jetpack.

One day left,

I'm already dead.


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