Somewhere Only We Know

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My Princess...Follow me

N O C T I S   L U C I S   C A E L U M

"Where are you taking me?" you asked Noctis.

Noctis chuckled. "Just wait and see." he whispered into your ear, his low and husky voice sent goosebumps up the skin of your arms.

Your lips pursed into a pout. With extended arms, your hands started to feel for your surroundings. Your vision was blinded by a pair of sturdy hands covering your eyes. You didn't really enjoy the idea of being blind folded. It always gave you a sense of nervousness. "I don't like this." you cried.

"Trust me [Name]." Noctis replied, his breath fanning the back of your neck. "You won't be disappointed. "

The two of you had already been walking for quite some time, you were starting to really question where the prince was planning on taking you. It already confused you when Noctis awoke you from your tent and dragged you out without an explanation.

"Where are we?" you asked again.

"Nearly there [Name]." Noctis replied.

After a few more minutes of walking, Noctis finally guided you to a stop. "Are we here?"

Even though you couldn't see Noctis nodded his head in response. "We're here." he announced and finally lifted the hands that blinded your vision.

It took a few moments for your eyes to adjust. Looking around you, you realized that you were on top of some hill, "Where are we?" you questioned.

Noctis chuckled. "Look up."

And when you did an audible gasp sounded from your now parted the lips. The Duscae scenery was absolutely breathtaking. The sunrise was just beginning to make its appearance behind the horizon. It filled the sky with colours of red and orange, and tinted the clouds with endless rays of pink. This was definitely a sight you would never be able to see in the city of Insomnia. No words could describe how beautiful it was.

Instead of focusing on the sunset like you were, Noctis had his attention fixed on you. He could feel his heart flutter at the sight of you next to him with a beaming smile.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

You turned to face Noctis with a bright smile on your face. "I love it!" you exclaimed. Going on your tippy toes, you then went up to peck a quick kiss on the Prince cheek. "Thank you Noctis." you said softly.

Noctis felt his cheeks beginning to blush, but a smile made it's way to his lips. "No problem." he then wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into an embrace. "This will be our secret place." 

. . .

P R O M P T O   A R G E N T U M

"Chocobo, Chocobo, Chocobo."

You giggled as you watched Prompto jog towards the Chocobo ranch up ahead.

"Quickly [Name]! Let's go see the Chocobos!" Prompto yelled out as he waved his arms out wildly in the air.

"Alright, alright I'm coming." you picked up your pace to catch up to the hyperactive blonde who was already a few meters ahead of you.

The smell of hay entered your nose when you approached closer to the ranch. You could hear the soft caws of the big yellow bird. When you finally arrived, you could see the Chocobo's all lined up in their pens and not surprisingly, Prompto was already there petting them. A wide gleeful grin was spread across his face as he watch the big birds. It was as if he turned into a kid again.

Will You Be My Princess [Final Fantasy XV Drabble Set]Where stories live. Discover now