Chpt 15-Don't tell.

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Marinette's pov:
I look at the umbrella and then back at Chat Noir. He is now smiling. I look back and forth between him and the umbrella for what seems like forever.
Chat Noir then speaks.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before..Marinette." He smirks.
I totally flip my lid.
"It...It was you the whole time...?!" I laugh, but sort of cry and fall to my knees.
"Marinette? Wh-What's wrong?" He asks.
"It was you....I told Chat things...About Adrien...and-And Chat was Adrien and Adrien was Chat." I continue to be hysterical.
"My Lady. Are you upset...that...It was me?"
I stop laughing and crying then look up at him with wide eyes.
"No! I'm glad it was you!"
"And I'm glad it was you, too." He smiles, then starts laughing.
'Okay we both have to stop with the weird laughing.' I think to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask. Confused.
"We've been so close to each other for all of this time. It's crazy."
I nod and then think about what Adrien said when I saw the picture of his mother.
"You have her smile." We both say at the same time.
"I can't believe you were right there in front of me." He says, tearing up.
I then stand up and embrace him with a hug, he hugs back, letting the umbrella drop to the ground.
We get soaked in the rain, but somehow it's soothing.
With him, everything is okay.
After a long embrace, I let go.
"Adrien we cannot tell Nino or Alya."
"I agree. But what are we supposed to do when they find out theirselves? They'll be heartbroken about this secret." He states.
"They won't find out."
He then nods in agreement and sighs.
"It's going to be hard."
"I know but we have to make it work. I don't think they could forgive us for keeping this secret from them..." I explain. Not knowing what to do.
I don't answer because I'm lost in my thoughts.
"Marinette!" Chat yells.
I snap out of my daze and look up and him.
"It's going to be okay. I promise." He says with a small smile, which makes me break down.
I begin to cry and hold onto him.
"It's too hard!"
"Marinette...Calm down please. I know it's hard, I know it's a lot..."
"I-I need to think this through..." I say as I swing my yoyo and it latches onto a balcony and I jump, flying away.
"My lady! Wait!"
Chat tries to yell, but I am too far away.

Guys I am so sorry I haven't been updating...I'm having a bit of writers block and I really needed to update so I gave you this small chapter. I'll update as soon as I can. I apologize for all of the waiting. The next chapter will be longer.


-REMEMBER: I have a life out of watt pad.
I update when I can.

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