Chapter 2- On Monday

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Advanced History was on the first floor, so you and Yuffie had no problem getting there before the bell rang. The only person there, besides the teacher, was a demure platinum-blond boy sitting at the front of the classroom.

"You must be my new students," the teacher said to you and Yuffie. He was an older man with a scar over his left eye, and he wore a long red coat.

"Yeah, that's us," replied Yuffie.

"I'm Auron, and I'll be your teacher for the next semester. You can have a seat anywhere you like; the students don't really care about seat placement in this class, and neither do I."

"Okay, thank you," you said as you and Yuffie turned. You both decided to sit behind the blond, and began to get settled in.

When everyone filed into the class and the bell rang, Auron gestured to the two of you and said, "Everyone, this is [name] [last name] and Yuffie Kisaragi. They will be part of our class this semester." Most of the students clapped to welcome you guys. "Now, I thought I'd start off our new semester by talking a bit about the War of the Elements, but before that, I'd like to pass back your finals. It would seem that Hope has set the curve once again."

The class uttered variations of "I knew it," as Auron walked to the blond that sat in front of you. "Good job, Hope," he said before moving on.

Over his shoulder, you were able to see that this Hope kid hadn't missed a single question. "Whoa, a hundred!" you said in awe. "History must really be your thing." For you, history was okay, but you'd never gotten a perfect score before.

Hope turned around to look at you. "I guess," he said softly.

"Everything is Hope's thing," the girl sitting next to him said. You studied her. She had black hair with blonde highlights that reached midway down her back, and hazely-green eyes that she wore black-rimmed glasses over.

"Not really. I just study a lot." Hope shrugged.

You smiled at him. "So, you're the new girls, right?" he asked next.

"Yeah," you confirmed. "I'm [name], and that's Yuffie."

"Nice to meet you," Hope said, shaking both your hands. "I'm Hope, and this is-"

"Mishaela," Auron said, handing her a piece of paper. "I'm disappointed. You're usually such a good student."

"Huh?" The girl dubbed Mishaela frowned in confusion, as she looked down at the sheet of paper. Her expression then changed to one of horror. She gasped. "A 61?!?"

"Ooh." Hope gave her a look that said he felt her pain. "That's bad."

Mishaela pouted. "So this is why I didn't get an A in this class last semester.

Hope turned back to you, and pointed his thumb at her. "That's Mishaela."

She nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you two. I'd be a lot more happy if it weren't for this... thing." She looked at her paper in horror.

You smiled as you turned to the board, where Auron had written "War of the Elements." He then turned to all of you. "Who here knows anything about this particular war?" he asked.

You were one of a few people who raised your hand, and he turned to you. "[name]?" he asked.

You put your hand down and began to speak. "The War of the Elements was the first war in history that spanned the entire planet. After it was over, everyone settled into towns based on one of the six elements: wind, earth, fire, water, light, and dark. People in that town only practiced that element."

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