Chapter 1- Arrival at Fantasy High

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You rushed through your house, grabbing everything you thought you needed. You didn't hear your alarm clock go off, again, and Cloud had already gone without you. As you cursed his name in every way you could think of- after all, you only vaguely remembered the way to school- you slipped on your shoes and rushed out of the door, not caring if the door locked behind you.

Today was your first day as a first-year student at Fantasy High, one of the most esteemed high schools in the world. Cloud had been offered a teaching job there, and after careful deliberation with himself, he accepted it and dragged you, his apprentice, along with him. You'd already done a semester at Midgar High, which was what frustrated you the most. Had you moved at the beginning, you could've meshed in with any other freshmen; but now everyone will have formed cliques and everything. You may as well have been chopped liver.

You entered the building, and followed the indoor signs to the office. When you got there, you plotzed into the first chair you saw. You were absolutely exhausted.

Almost instantly, you heard someone exclaim, "[name]!"

You turned around to the voice, and your [eye color] eyes lit up. "Yuffie!" you exclaimed, just as excitedly. "Since when are you a student here?"

"Since today. It was Cloud and Tifa's idea; they thought it would be good for me to look after you."

You laughed a little. You and Yuffie were the same age, but she always treated you like a little sister. You weren't annoyed by it; the fact that she was always so concerned about you made you happy. You didn't always have that.

"That's great!" you said, smiling as hard as you could.

You and Yuffie chatted until the lady at the front desk called both of you up for your schedules. You tried your best not to snatch it away because you were so excited, and you sat back down so you would be out of the way, and read your schedule.

Monday: 8-9:50 Ancient History, 10-11:50 Art
Tuesday: 8-9:50 Weaponry, 12-1:50 Advanced Chorus
Wednesday: 8-11:50 Magic Introduction
Thursday: 8-9:50 Magical Home Ec, 10-11:50 Hand-to-Hand Combat
Friday: 8-11:50 Advanced Magic

"You have Advanced Magic?!?" Yuffie practically yelled. "Whoa!"

"What's so 'whoa' about that?" you asked.

"That class is for juniors!" Yuffie said, impressed.

You gasped. "Well, I have been studying for a really long time."

Looking over your schedule again, Yuffie told you, "We have Ancient History, Weaponry, Magic Intro, Home Ec, and Combat together." She handed you your schedule back, and dusted off her uniform. "Are we ready to go?"

Your uniforms consisted of a black blazer, a white blouse, and a red plaid skirt. You noticed that your skirt was a little twisted and your blazer was unbuttoned, so you fixed them. "Yes," you finally said. "I'm ready."

"Okay!" Yuffie said, in her energetic manner. "Let's go!"

The two of you linked arms, and started in your first day at Fantasy High.

{a/n:} I have to let you guys know that I left a few people off the list by accident. I left off Vincent. Pretty much everyone from FF13 will be here too, so that includes minor characters like Cid Raines and Rosch and all of those guys. Also, later on, there'll be a rival school that'll house more of the characters that I haven't already included in the lists because every high school needs a rival.
I know this was short, but that won't be a problem with the other chapters. Next chapter, we get to meet more characters as you start your first day. It'll be really great. See ya there! ^_^

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