Chapter 4- On Wednesday

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You were really excited today, because today you were going to be in one of your magic classes, and of course it was the subject you loved the most. You rushed out of your house again, and didn't stop for food. You even beat Yuffie.

Magic Introdution was your first class that wasn't on the first floor. You bounded up four flights of stairs and scurried to room 412, where the door was locked.

"Oh." You stepped back from the locked door, slightly embarrassed. "Guess I'm a little too early."

You sat on the floor next to the room and pulled out your magic intro textbook, deciding to skim over it to see what you'd be learning in class. The beginning of it was so elementary it made you giggle, but since it was the second semester you knew they'd passed all of that.

You heard someone's locker close then. "Oh, [name]!" You knew it was Gavin by the voice.

"Your locker is all the way up here?!?" you asked, your voice cracking.

"Unfortunate, isn't it?" he counter-asked. "You're early, aren't you?"

"So are you," you pointed out. "Magic is my favorite subject. Is it yours, too?"

"It's enjoyable, but I was here for lacrosse practice." Gavin took a seat by you. "However, I didn't get the memo until when I got here that practice has been moved to Thursdays."

You smiled. You had the charming Gavin all to yourself. How would you approach this?

[Option 1: Friendly Chat with Gavin]

"What chapter are you guys up to at this point, Gavin?" you asked, gesturing to the book that was opened on your lap.

He contorted his face in thought. "I think we're on chapter nine," he said slowly, but almost immediately retracted his statement. "No, no, we finished chapter nine! We're on chapter ten."

"Oh, okay." You flipped to chapter ten, which was titled, simply, "Monsters."

"Certainly got to the point on that title," you noted, and Gavin laughed at your joke. You smiled at him. "So, lacrosse?"

"Meh. It's one of the few sports I like. I get bored with most of them, but lacrosse is always exciting." He thought. "Well, that and blitzball, but I'm not a good enough swimmer for blitzball. So how about you? Are you into any sports?"

You shrugged. "If you count sparring as a sport, which I think you should. Hey, wait a minute! If this is your first week, how are you already on the team?"

Gavin chuckled. "I already knew the coach. Let's just say that we were once comrades."

That wasn't impossible; after all, a lot of teachers at Fantasy High were young. Cloud had graduated from high school just two years ago.

More students were now filling the hallways, and you saw Gavin waving to a person way off in the distance. When they came into earshot, Gavin said, "Good morning, Mr. Katzroy."

You turned to see a tall black man with an afro. "Morning, Gavin," he replied. "I have to get class set up. Do you mind waiting out here a little longer?"

He shrugged. "Fine by me."

"Is that our teacher?" you asked.

"One of them. Magic classes are huge, so they have more than one teacher." Gavin sifted through his school bag, pulling out things he'd need. Your eyes focused upon his three-ring binder, one of the ones you can slide pictures into the front of. Most of them were people that you assumed were his family, but one was of him with a dark-haired girl. An oddly familiar-looking dark-haired girl...

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