Chapter 3- On Tuesday

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The next day, you woke up early to prevent an episode like yesterday. You'd washed your uniform last night because you were afraid it might be sweaty from all the running you did, so you pulled another one out of your closet and got dressed.

When you passed Cloud in your kitchen, he asked, "Going to school early?"

"Yep," you replied, reaching for your bag. "I want to have time to explore. That school is huge! I wanna be able to find all my classes, no problem." As you pulled on your blazer, you continued, "I'll get breakfast on the way. See ya."

You left the house then, the wind blowing your hair in your face. On the way you stopped at a restaurant and got a little something to eat, and then continued on your way.

When you entered the quad, Yuffie was there waiting for you. "There you are, [name]! What took you so long?"

"I stopped for breakfast," you replied. "We still have at least thirty minutes until we have to head to class."

"Oh! Well, then, do you want to look around the dorms?" Yuffie energetically pointed to a skyscraper-like building not very far from where you guys stood. "The building is right there! It's only a block away!"

"Well, in that case, that sounds lovely," you agreed. "After all, if we're going to be living there, we should see if it's up to standards, right?" You winked.

Yuffie giggled, and linked arms with you as the two of you set off.

The lobby of the dorms looked like the lobby of a hotel; it had the front desk, a couch for people to sit and wait, and in the back of the lobby were a set of elevators for the girls to use. There was also a vending machine, a coffee maker, and a gum ball machine in the lobby.

"A gum ball machine?" you said, laughing.

That got the attention of the woman on the front desk. "Can I help you ladies?" she asked.

"We were wondering if we could have a quick tour of the dorms," Yuffie replied.

"Oh, I'm afraid not. We have a distinct schedule for tours, and the next one isn't until Friday at ten a.m."

"Oh." You looked at Yuffie, and she looked at you; a plan was forming in both your heads. As the elevator dinged and someone stepped out, the both of you exchanged another look before making a mad dash inside the elevator. You could hear the woman screaming behind you as the doors closed.

"Which floor, which floor?" asked Yuffie hurriedly.

"Just press a bunch of them!" you said. "If we just press one they can follow us!"

Yuffie quickly pushed every even-numbered number after four, as well as seven. You guys decided to get off on floor number eight.

"I can't believe we just did that," you said, your heart still pounding.

"Me either, but now that we're up here, let's find a room." Yuffie began to walk down the hallway, and you followed. After turning a corner you came across a door that was cracked, so you pushed it a little and peeked inside.

You instantly saw the lounge area of the room, equipped with a big-screen TV and a velvet couch and love seat set. Behind it you could see the kitchen/dining room area. "Yuffie," you whispered. "Look at this."

For a few seconds you two stared in awe, until she grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. "We have to see the bedroom!" she said.

"But Yuffie!" you complained. "This is trespassing!"

"We'll only be a minute," she insisted. "Not even a minute! Like, half a minute!"

You stopped resisting her then, because you knew there was no convincing Yuffie once she'd hatched one of her infamous schemes. You two got to the bedroom and were amazed again. There were two twin beds in the room, and a huge closet. Whoever had this room was very good at decorating it, as well.

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