12- new girl bulled already

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Louise's POV

I ran out if school and frank was waiting for me out of his car, I ran to him with a bleeding face, and I wrapped my legs and arms around him,

'It will be all okaaii baby' he said and took me in the car.

We talked about it and he just told me I need a long bath with some bubbles and some nice music, with some rest, that's what I did, I skipped school and went on Facebook to talk to Leila and Mia, they said its fine and they will sort it out, i just stayed in bed, frank always put food next to me but I thew it in the bin, I sat there just on my phone and I had a text off my mom, said

"baby I miss you please come home, I know your alive somewhere in this world and I'm sorry for all the mess with boyfriend, we promise everything will be okaaii just come home darling,

Love mom x x '

I cried and then frank walked in and seen the message, I went down stars to watch football with the boys, I was cuddled with Fran on a sofa. It was al peaceful until that girl from school came over my house,

*knock knock*


I screamed,

"Oh hello miss perfect the girl said'

I'm chelsea the one who punched you in the face, ha your such a whimp"

Frank came behind me,

"Babe who is this"

Chelsea's face dropped as she seen frank cuddle me, I smiled and said 'the bitch who punched me.'

He said to chelsea "I suggest you go before I ring the police for assault, so go where the sub don't shine," they ran off and we sat back down, I still had marks on my face from it but it didn't bother me. I'm used to getting hit, I face dropped down my face and u said 'I never fit in anywhere do I I'm just a east of oxygen.'

I guessed I was having a mantle brake down,

I fell asleep crying in the bathroom floor, it wasn't locked so frank took me to bed, and I guess it wasn't my week.

My Lover (Frank Iero)Where stories live. Discover now