CHAPTER ***1***

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 "lets go you lazy ass!! ur gonna be late for school!!" mom yelled from down the hallway. Another glorious monday morning. uugghh who cares i just want to sleep. One thing i dont like about church is that the last day of my weekend off school i have to wake up early for church. yea well guess it is what it is. Quickly i grabbed my hair and threw it up into a high pony tail and blurred on some eye liner and mascara. Rushing into the kitchen i grabbed the two poptarts on the counter and a napkin. I was just to the car when mom yelled, "Oh im sorry hunny you have an inservice day today!! go back to bed!" Dropping all my stuff on the floor i quickly resumed my comfy spot in my warm bed not ready for this day already.


Waking up to the sound of my dog Bernie whimpering at me wasn't the best wake up call but its far from the worst. "c'mon puppy lets go" i said as i grabbed my sweatshirt and hooked the leash onto his collar. A gust of wind caught me as we stepped out the front door. uugghh no! no cold weather! went through my mind about 8 times before i realized that wouldnt cause it to get warmer. As Bernie hurried back in i noticed a black limo pull in our driveway. We had a real long driveway where we lived, and had about 6 apartments in our little neighborhood. My curiosity cuased me to stand outside a little longer to see where this mysterious car would go.

All the sudden it pulls up to our part of the driveway and a gorgeous blonde guy gets out walking over towards me. Scared i pulled Bernie closer and backed up toward my house, ready to dart in at any time. "Excuse me, do you by chance have any gas? Our limo is about to run out and the closest one here is about 5 miles away and we'll never make it" well he was right but more like 6 miles, but OMG his accent! He was Definately australian and damn good one if you ask me. Tan skin, blonde hair, and did i mention the glorious blue eyes he stared at me with. "ma'am?" He said causiously, snapping me out of my short lived thoughts. "uh-um yea i think so, pull around back just go down that slight hill" i said calmly as i could. A bright smile appeared on the guys face makeing every little crease in his face appear gorgeous even as he turned back around to go to his awaiting limo.

I felt something wasn't right though. Almost like he was upset i didn't know who he was or anything, like a sense he was suprised. Who knows. Quickly hurrying inside i knew he was probably already down and around back.

I ran into my room and put on my shorts and a cute tshirt to sort of look good for him, not that i wanted to impress him cuz chances are i wouldnt see him after this. But hey who knows he might as for my number or something. haha yea ok like that happens all the time.

 As i made sure the cats didn't try to escape the back door i manuvered my way down the stairs and into the garage, Hitting the garage button i think i made the guy jump a little becuase i could see as it came up he did a little jerk. A smirk grew on my face without warning and he did certainly notice. "And what are you laughin at? hahaha" he giggled along with me. "Oh nothing" i said as i smiled. I turned and started looking for the gas can after a moment of us just staring at each other. His blue eyes seemed to look in my soal and into my body. Knowing everything about me in one quick look. "um i think its over here somewhere" i moved back to look for the gas can which i could then see in the back corner.

"Oh here let me help you with that." the boy said as i had the can already halfway out of the pile. His strong, muscular arms wrapped around me, trying to help me pull the gas can out of the junk around it. I tensed up and froze. not a bad tensing up and being frozen but almost like i didnt want his arms to retract. I think he did as well becuase next thing i knew he was frozen also. if felt like sparks my heart said. psshhh not in a million years would that happen. Plus, no guy has ever liked me, anytime they find out that im a virgin or that all i've ever done is hold hands with a guy, they ignore me. Probably thinking im bad in bed, but hey i can't judge who knows maybe i am. Snapping me back to reality the blonde hair boy said, "Are those sparks?" while looking deeply into my eyes. oh my god did he feel it too?? was i going crazy?? was the smell of gas getting to me? Still in a trance from the bright blue eyes i dropped the gas can. SHIT!. "Oh my god im so sorry!" i managed to slip out. All the sudden he grabbed me and pulled me back and then BOOM.

The sparks i thought he meant.....they were meant as literally sparks.....

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