Clay and his Research

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I cringe, looking around to see if anyone has seen my reaction. Glad nobody saw, I walk all the way out of the mall and to my car, iPhone, still in hand.

I take out my own phone and text my older brother, Clay, telling him to drop whatever he's doing and to meet me at home.

*One Hour Later*

"And then, when I was looking through the Photo Gallery to see if there was anything that could help me find the owner, I found all of these," I hold out the iPhone to Clay when I finish explaining. He grabs the phone and scrolls through the pictures. His eyes widen.

"What the hell?!" he exclaims.

"Yeah, I know, right!"

"Ruby, we have to find who took these pictures."

"But, what if the person is a psychopath or something?"

" I guess we'll find out, now won't we!" he says getting up from my bed and walks out of the room momentarily. He comes back a minute later with his laptop.

"What is that for?" I ask curiously.

"If we want to find out who's taking those pictures, we gotta do some research!"

"Alright, Nancy Drew," I giggle slightly. Clay just rolls his eyes. 


A/N- Hey, I know this is also really short, but I just wanted to post something so I just posted what I had so far. I will try to post more soon! 💋💋💋

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