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#91) Excuses always sound so legit in your head and then you say them out loud...

#92) As soon as you get your camera out your pet stops doing that really cute thing they were doing five seconds ago

#93) I don't know what's longer a microwave minute or a treadmill minute

#94) I have a smart phone with a dumbass battery

#95) Facebook needs a stop fishing for compliments button

#96) Not to brag or anything but I've been the 1,000,000th visitor to eight different websites

#97) I'm not a stalker I'm just bad with goodbyes

#98) Your heart is located on the left because it's not always right

#99) There is no 'u' in awesome but there is a 'me'

#100) Giving gum to your friends at school is like a drug deal:
You didn't SEE anything, you didn't HEAR anything and you sure as hell didn't get it from me



What is your favourite lol fact?

Sorry for the wait. I will try to update faster but sometimes it's just hard. Thank you to everyone who is still reading this.

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