The Vault Hunters

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This chapter is a bit shorter than the others since this is more of an introduction to our favourite heroes ;)


"You won't enjoy this!" Maya stated rather loudly while phaselocking the lone hyperion engineer who was currently guarding the door to the containment room, as he was mocking and teasing one of the skags imprisoned behind another cell. It kept on growling angrily at him.

"What the f-" He exclaimed in surprise but was quickly cut off by Zero who sprinted forward with incredible speed and slashed upwards with his blue katana, tearing the engineer's torso in half.

"fool." Is all the assassin spoke while cleaning his prized sword from the dead man's blood.

"Seems like that is the last one of them" the blue headed siren said while heavily panting from the last battle with a super badass loader keeping watch at the main gate.

" For now at least..." Axton responded to her statement looking around the unit uneasy. Every container was filled with test subjects varying from skags to stalkers in all sizes.

Behind him, Salvador was examinating one of the occasional big cells that contained a really big in size stalker which was staring at him into the eyes trying to struck fear on the native truxican, however, with no success. Instead the gunzerker accepted the challenge implied by the badass stalker, making weird faces and showing that he wasn't scared at all. It resulted with the creature getting very frustrated and started banging its head on the containment field that enclosed it.

"Dude stop playing and pissing off the animals and lets get moving. We've got an important mission to accomplish for the sake of the planet"

"Yeah whatever you say Axton, I was getting bored anyway".

The group started to move towards the sealed door leading to their task, making sure that no one was spying on them. Suddenly their echo devices came to life attracting their attention before anyone could press the red switch that activated the opening of the door.

"From my studying of the building, that in front of you should be the cell that keeps my bird caged. Get her out and you can have the claptrap upgrade attached to- Hold on" He suddenly froze and stopped talking, confusing the vault hunters from the sudden action.

"Mordecai why did you freeze, whats wrong amigo?" Salvador questioned. Everyone getting suspicious and more confused.

"Is that someone singing?... I mean the voice I'm hearing trough the echo, sounds like someone is behind that door. I ...I recognize the song..." He answered dazing out.

Everyone became silent as they realised someone was actually singing. They were just too focused on the echo to hear.

"You are right! someone else is in that room apart from your companion" Axton exclaimed in surprise while still listening to the weak voice that could be heard outside the door.

" Woman." the assassin replied nodding his head, getting everyone to turn their attention to him.

"It sure does sound like a woman's voice" the hunter replied trough the echo, still trying to figure out why it sounds so familiar to him yet unknown,

"Investigate further and let me know" he continued, and soon ended the communication between them.

Zero activated his stealth suit turning invisible while Axton pressed the button on the door and waited for it to open completely before going in. Slowly the group creeped in curious to find out the origin of the anonymous voice. At the sight, everyone froze on the spot like statues, causing Zero to drop stealth mode and Maya gasping in shock, placing her hands over her lips in horror.

"Is that a siren!?"

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