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HeYo again fellows!

I just wanted to mention that not all of the chapters are going to be in Evelyn's POV, some are going to be written in 3rd person :)



"Zero toss me a health-vial!" The commando caught the health-vial that was thrown in the air and stabbed it in the newly discovered siren's arm.

Evelyn stood up in a crouching position slowly recovering and thanked Axton once more, then Maya bent beside her, putting an arm around Evelyn's shoulder and helped her up on her feet.

Suddently their echo communicators came to life again, " Did you find Bloodwing... Is she safe!?" Mordecai's voice spoke through the devices once more, still asking for his pet's safety and progression of the mission.

" Sorry amigo but all I could find was one of the pàjaro's feathers." Salvador replied to the impatient hunter.

" Hey kiddos, looking for bloodwing? She's not where you think she is, I moved to a place more ...dramatic" The Hyperion president called in surprise and hung up before anyone could open their mouth, like he always does.

" Dammit! Jack's playing games with us... wait a minute, wait a minute.... I detect some movement within the facility--Thats it! He must have moved her to the observation wing!" Mordecai spoke up with a frustrated tone and was stopped by Maya before he could end the communication, " We found out what was sealed behind the door"

" You are talking about the mysterious woman's voice?" He replied curiosly thinking back to the song she was singing, which brought him back to his teen age memories.


"What is it? Spit it out already..."

" A caged up Siren used for experimental purposes which somehow connects to the vault. Basically, we believe that based on her explaining, hyperion is planning to use her power to charge a key that we all predict is the Vault key." Zero answered making everyone awkwardly silent by the sound of his voice, speaking more than one or two words. He often only spoke Haiku in battle and usually never spoke with them, only communicating with his holographic emotes.

"What, why is everybody staring at me awkwardly?"

" Dude are you alright? Or is it a miracle because we all just heard you say more than one sentence"


"...and he goes back to being the usual, annoying the crap out of us" Salvador said shaking his head in annoyance, while Zero displayed a :P hologram in front of his helmet as if saying 'deal with it'.

" Damn, six powerful and only sirens in the entire universe and three of them are known to be on Pandora!" The hunter exclaimed nearly in disbelief of the unexpected discovery.

" Must be the fact that we sirens are attracted somehow to the vaults, so we all come here to figure out the meaning of our existence" Evelyn calmly replied to the hunter, using Maya's echo, "by the way, I know where to go to reach the observation wing. I've been there already a lot of times before" she said remembering her fights fought against loaders and experimental subjects, in that exact room.

" Good, follow the siren's lead to the wing and find that damned claptrap upgrade attached to my pet's collar. Good luck" Mordecai lastly said instructing the vault hunters, finally ending the call, returning to his sniping business against the stalkers at his 'door steps' and the wild life expedition preserve's occupants.

"You're in shape of fighting Eve?" The commando asked while checking the echo's map for a route out.

"I might not be able to use my powers...but if anyone could lend me a gun"

"Any weapon of choice?" He continued, marking the map, closing it and turning to check his holster for any spare weapons.

" Sniper rifles." she answered sure of her self. Evelyn always loved shooting things from long distances, she chose to follow her master's footsteps, remembering his patience and sharp accuracy in hunting down food for both of them when they used to travel together around Pandora.

" You're a sniper huh? ..err haven't got any rifles for you here, I'm not a sniper my self...but our friend here..." Axton turned smirking to face Zero. The assassin started to disagree displaying a >:( emote, not wanting to led any of his precious rifles to the siren.

"Don't worry Zero, I've been trained specifically in that kind of weapon handling by an expert sniper I met on this planet long time ago. I' ll take good care of it" Evelyn pleaded to the assassin which finally gave in and gave her a Jacobs sniper rifle with some spare ammo. She thanked him reassuring of returning it.

The siren loaded the weapon, looked through the scope adjusting it, then moved towards the dying tree and marked a small cross in the middle of its trunk with one of her small sharp stilettos, kept hidden in her boots.

"Woah amiga, why didn't you ever fight back with those?" The gunzerker stared at Evelyn in surprise while she was walking to the other side of the cellar, opposite the nearly lifeless and scratched tree.

"Good question Salvador, I've actually tried before by stabbing a few guards. The only problem was that every time I fought back hyperion activated the electrocuting collar, 'gifted' to me by Jack himself" She answered Salvador while readying herself with the rifle, looking once more through the scope, targeting the marked trunk.

" Luckily they decided to free my neck from it before the experiment. It would have probably interfered with the machine's circuits, damaging it."

Evelyn took a breath in and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew straight to the middle of the cross, easily penetrating the fragile bark.

"Not bad, my accuracy is still pretty good for a rusty huntress who hasn't used a weapon for three years straight. Alright I shall stop bragging about my skills and get moving. Everyone follow me, let's complete your task and gtfo of here!" She continued exclaiming excitedly while pointing the direction they were going to venture to. She was going to be finally free from the bounds of torturing.


Finally she'll be back kicking some Hyperion the next chapter!

Yay, Action! Woo!

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