Prologue Part 1- The Eridians

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Hello there Watties!

Just wanted to inform that this is my very first fanfiction/book. I'm Italian so I apologies for 'language barrier' mistakes >.<

The idea of typing this up on my IPad came from a simple but wacky dream I had... I guess I played too much XBox with my younger brother that night. But what can I do? It is sooo addictive! :3

-Feel free to ask any questions-




Darkness...silence is all that can be heard from the cell. This is what become of life, an endless routine of torture from injections of nameless substances and a purple glowing, flawless fluid named Eridium. This fluid seems to speed up the process of movement of my foreign cells, enhancing my powers.

I used to be a normal girl with a fairly standard life and love for archeology. All this changed when one of my researches in an eridian mine,on a planet named Pandora, went horribly wrong. My archeology team and I seemed to have triggered a security system of some sort while digging up an artifact (useful in the constructing of weapons and defense shields to secure towns) which activated the main pillars of the site, resulting in waking up ancient warriors waiting for primitive fools to try stealing their advanced technology.

I always found the Eridian race to be fascinating (interesting) and really pro active, always on the move ( hard to explain, really...). Their real motivation? was still a mystery. We all thought that they disappeared, went extinct a long time ago. However, they were only dormant waiting to be awaken on the right time to protect anything that they kept secret from us, something that they don't want revealed and freed on this world.

...Everything around us started to rumble. A bright purplish-blue light was emanating from the stones' carvings, a swirly complicated design found on every eridian artifact. The two statues in the middle slowly turned around to face us until their eyes lit up with the same light, this time blinding us...'whoosh' and then the soft sound of something falling. Before I regained my sight I felt cold, like something fast as the wind passed in front of me.

I looked around the room feeling disorientated. What I saw on the ground wasn't pleasant; One of my colleague's lifeless body with blood dripping down his neck. When I went to check on it there was a strange, glowing blue mark on his throat.

'who could have such velocity to slit his throat without anyone spotting it?'...that was when I heard a scream, behind me another archeologist was lifted in the air by an invisible figure which revealed its self right as I turned around to see:

The mysterious creature had a slender body with pale skin, a long neck and glowing blue wings growing from its back. It resembled the statues spread around the was an Eridian. At the sight of the ancient guardian I quickly ran behind one of the smaller pillars in the corners for cover.

The creature slowly lifted up its arm around the victim's neck, soon a glowing sword appeared in its hand 'out of the blue' and it swiftly brought it back, slitting this man's throat too. In that moment I started to panic as two smaller Eridians (meaning that the other one must have been their leader, perhaps some sort of arch guardian) appeared in front of the exit, guarding it. There were only two of us left, me and my friend Kayla, both of us unarmed. I turned to look at her. Kayla was kneeling on the ground in what looked like she was praying while shaking in fear and sobbing uncontrollably.

At the corner of my eye I saw the biggest guardian moving from its spot in her direction at an un-human speed. It grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her across the floor towards the altar positioned at the end of the room. Kayla started chanting her prayers louder while shaking relentlessly, trying to escape the Eridian's grasp.

At that moment I somehow found the courage to sprint forward and tried to tackle the creature, but instead it swung Kayla to the side and unexpectedly disappeared causing me to fall and hit the ground. I don't recall much after that event, only that two hands grabbed me by the arms and dragged and laid me on the altar. The arch guardian then moved towards me and stared into my eyes making me shiver even more. It felt like it was reading my emotions... 'perfect' Is the word I heard in my mind.

'Are they telepathic!?...what does it mean by saying perfect?

The last thing I remember is that it then grabbed the artifact (which triggered all this) from the hands of one of the archeologist's dead body, flew in the middle of the two statues with the glowing eyes and lifted the object high above its head. The statues once more turned facing the Eridian and shot beams at the artifact which made them bounce off to another pillar, causing a domino effect across the room.

"Amanda no!" I heard kayla yell from a far. My head still hurting from the fall.

"Run kayla!, save your- se..." Before I could finish speaking I was struck by a laser beam channeled from the arch guardian's hands, paralysing my entire body. Soon everything seemed to get darker and far...

When I woke up my head felt really heavy. Trying to move was hard and for some reason I didn't feel my self no longer. My vision was also blurred. I focused to remember what happened even if it hurt to think ; ... Sensation of cold, a mysterious slender figure, a woman praying... a bright light...

As I started to put 'all the pieces together' I remembered being abducted by the ancient race of Eridians, and quickly looked around the room for anymore danger. Everything was dark and quiet like before the attack. I sighed in relief; No aliens were around. I stood up clumsily from the altar and started to walk towards the exit of the cursed mine.

Strangely my left side of the body felt 'heated up' and tingly, especially the arm. Suddenly I started to feel atrocious pain and fell to my knees, screaming in pain. My left arm started to pulse, with each one causing more pain. I felt like my body was about to burst open until one last pulse which made my entire body tingle like some kind of virus or perhaps energy was spreading around my circulatory system.

At that very moment I opened my eyes and saw an invisible force pushing the dead bodies to the wall, and the walls seemed to be glowing again for a few seconds.

'Why didn't I even flinch from the force? Was it ... No it couldn't be coming from me! ...or Could it!?

I looked down at my arm in horror as it was glowing with the same light that the Eridians did. It also had tattoo-like markings swirling around it going up my shoulder, very similar to the ones embedded on the walls. I didn't know if I found it beautiful or horrifying... certainly surprising . I started to run towards the exit thinking that it might be an illusion, but as you might know I was wrong.

They had turned me into one of their mighty weapons... One of the six legendary women which roam the universe for an explanation of 'What happened and Why they exist?' ... I became a Siren.

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