The Unexpected

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The ending conversation from last chapter will be eventually explained in the future. You are free to leave any suggestions or comments about it :)



"Evelyn, you still with us?"

I was snapped back to reality by my four saviors who were approaching me with a concerned, yet satisfied look on their faces as the battle against the creature they had intended to save was finally ended.

"What are you thinking?/you have dazed out right then/ is there something wrong?" Zero asked me displaying a question mark off his helmet, exactly like when they first met me imprisoned in Bloodwing's cell.

"No nothing is wrong...seriously, I only felt...I only feel sorry for shooting Bloodwing. I wish there was another way to calm her down." I answered unsurely while getting back up on my feet, picking up my repeater pistol and borrowed sniper rifle from the ground while quckly patting the onced enslaved alien hawk a last time.

I could have told them about the little telepathic chat me and Bloodwing just had, but it would have taken a lot of explaining, plus, I believe that for Bloodwing this is a rather personal topic and was directed only to me. Therefore, I decided to keep it a secret between us two, though I couldn't stop thinking about her telling me that she expected to die soon and apparently her owner is not a stranger to me.

'How is Bloodwing sure that this is her end? Why would Jack leave the object the vault hunters came for if he wants them to die and fail? Unless...he actually wants them to take the upgrade! Did Jack plan this all along? Can it be a trap?'

"I felt bad for firing at her too, but I believe it was the only current and quickest possible way" Maya responded, arm wrapped around Axton's shoulder, both of them helping each other to stay on their feet. We all needed some rest to regain full energy.

"However, she badly damaged my turret's spawing system. Now I can't digi-struct the sabre in case of need" The commando complained as he kept on carrying on about how useful and efficient the turret is and how without it we wouldn't have backup, how many times it saved his life...

"Geez Ax, We get it!- I'm sure Gaige will be able to fix it. She'll be more than happy to do it."

"Alright, I'll let you win this one Maya. She better not install any crazy mechanism or even cut her other arm off!" Axton joked as he softly chuckled under his breath while Maya smiled, gently moving her head from side to side from the thought of the hyperactive, genius young girl with red coloured hair and a prosthetic arm she constructed her self to replace the old, real one.

"Amigos, let's grab the claptrap upgrade from the pájaro's collar and get out of this place!" Salvador suggested while taking the initiative to grab the upgrade attached to the over sized collar placed around Bloodwing's neck. She started to tightly shut her eyes while screeching softly as the gunzerker stretched his arm forward to touch the hyperion eletronic chip.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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