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How can I tell my story without being judged and misunderstood I go day in day out being asked what my sexuality is I grew up in a society where we are constantly being judged people are saying "no homo" for no reason what if I was gay would I have the same friends would I have family that still cared if I was in the hospital would people still show and cry with me would you all read my story and tell your friends... How can I function when nothing is going how God planned it how do we know there's a God telling us if there's a right and wrong why is religion such a bad thing why atheism shunned upon why are people always trying to be "hip" and then end up with a broken one.  How can I explain to my children my past when I cry about the present and dream about the future how come people don't say nice things about someone until they are gone why do i even have to make a chapter about this. 

I- I like crying it's a sign of true emotion you can spot an genuine cry, crying is me if I could cry a lot I would I'm a feminine person if you want to call me gay go right ahead, it sucks we as a society has to grow up in this world having to always deny what we want to do and what we want to be I myself was always denying that I was feminine and or bi or pansexual until 8th grade being made fun of and i always wanted to fit in so I denied who I truly was and I'm not going to deny who I am no longer I'm finding myself I'm helping others find themselves too

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