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I once saw a post that said "in order to catch my heart you need to catch my mind." It was a statement that I found true to myself because I have come to realize that I value my mind more than my heart. I trust how I think versus how I feel and its not a bad thing, I'm just a thinker at heart in order for me to love I need to think out the pros and cons, and weigh them out, its not weather that I'm incapable of love, more so what my past relationships have taught me is that is that when I didn't have anyone else I was left to my thoughts I have become friends with my imagination weather good or bad, it was some weird way of coping when I was too lazy to do anything else. so when I say "I love you" to someone I mean it because I have allowed myself for them to catch my mind, I have made a connection with you that most people don't quite understand. that's why I cant say super rude things to my friends granted I can be an asshole but nothing to terrible. that's why when I say to people that they cant get rid of me its because I feel that the connection that we have is going to be one of a kind.

You see everyone that is in my life all have a unique relationship with me. and I cannot and will not replace anyone of them, I value all my relationships let it be friendship, or beyond that point let it be bestfriend or a partner. All is special to me, will I spend more time than others yeah definitely, but nonetheless it doesn't mean you are treated less special than anyone else, and that's a promise. this part is called "paradise" don't ask me why I just thought the title would be sweet and satisfying as it smoothly moves off the teeth as you say it, I pictured it warm and sunny, refreshing like water after a sports game. or waking up from after an exhausting day from the day before. this is just how I see paradise, just one small persons perception which may only be mine, but who is to say weather a perception is of a lesser standards or even a higher standard, who has that authority? to say that someone way of thinking is the right way or the wrong way? I was told to question everything but did anyone decide to question the one who told you to question everything? Why should I question everything? instead I could just be content with what I have in my mind space and accept what I don't know. Is something wrong with that? Well if so I wouldn't know I can learn to accept that if I somehow haven't already. after all perception is only a concept that some people will grasp sooner than others, but one day, one year, one decade, one century, or even one millennium they will all learn the idea of perception.

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