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I know what brought us to this page in our life
And knowing your meaning for your step away
There is no judgment  towards our future I see
Sometimes things need to be known and said
But that is all it is are words that will rest
It brought light to what we didn't see that needed it
For the love I feel and know is true as it was before
Feeling it grow stronger each day for you
Has shown me you are the man I always wanted
I saw so many more wonderful things in you that day
And it has created a whole new loyalty with us
We may not seen it till it arises in our direction
But then the stormy waters never cast a reflection
Once it has calmed the waves it smoothed it out
And the whole picture was painted you in my hand
I still saw you standing by my side with our souls
Seeing what we are meant to do on this world as one
Now I see just how alike we are more then before
I didn't want to loose that control but I never had it
You knew way before me that I needed to let go
And feel free as bird flying thru the atmosphere
Now I have released her waiting for your return
Waiting for us to conquer everything in our path
This motion has united me to your path even more
I walk foot step in foot step allowing you to guide
The thing I did before was watch my foot steps
Not allowing me to truly see where it goes
Now the light you shine before me cast you love
And I will never altar away from your trust
You still have marked this path for me
Even when your not in front of me to guide me
I didn't understand that day the words you spoke
Now my mind has rested to allow me to walk
My heart was always in your direction to follow
You are my light and I am your flame

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