Truest Man Seen

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My eyes stood still as they captured the blank screen
That your story has yet to begin
I knew all that I need with the first whispers of you
Once my eyes looked past the smile
All I could see was the nature of who a true man is
Not all can see a truest man standing like you
Some may say they understand you as a man
But they fail to see that you as a man are not done
Once I place my hand upon his hand
I will see the passion that stirs his soul
It's linked with the gift of a nature untold
A mind that has yet to come to unfold intimacy
My truest man seen is not by his body
But how he has saved the gift of greatness with it
His truest words come from the character he is
Those never need to be spoken even in the moments
You must listen to the pounding steps he takes
For his footprint will never leave the sand
There are no waves that can destroy his impact
For that's a truest man seen
I know when I look upon him he is the truest man

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