Chapter Five

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{Logan POV}

What's taking so long?!

I thought, once again checking my watch.


Thirty-eight seconds after my previous glance.


I was waiting in our backyard oak tree. As my feet dangled from a middle height limb.

Where is she?!

I checked the watch again.

8:27...still...oh goodness, I must be going insane...FINALLY!

Annette came twirlling out of the old home, her fluffy curls bouncing as she spun. My impatience was overpowered by my sudden happiness. She ran under the tree, her pretty grin stuck on her face. I smiled back down at her. The silent exchange of glances was quite beautiful. We just stayed there, looking into each others eyes. It was as if we were talking, without the use of words. Finally she chose to break the silence, after another few moments of starring.

"Are you going to help me up? Or just sit there watching me rip my clothing?" She said with a soft smile still plastered to her face. My answer was a grin, and i extended a hand to pull her up. She, of coarse, accepted it, and I pulled her up carefully. She sat next to me, and another silence conversation took place. It was as if her eyes were saying Thank you. And i was somehow responding. She suddenly giggled. It was an adorable sound.

"What?!" I said, grinning like an idiot.

She shook her head. "Nothing," She said, and looked down, but her sweet smile still perfectly in place.

I placed my hand softly under her chin. I didn't even know what I was doing! I just did it. I gently turned her head. She looked at me innocently starring. Her smile was replaced with a face of suprise, maybe even a dash of splender behind it. My face was overwhelmed with warm. Darn it, I was blushing. I felt as if there was something growing in the pit of my stomache, crawling up into my throught, slowly choking me. It was wonderful, and yet horrible, all at the same time. I couldn't speak, I couldn't think. I couldn't even move. I was frozen. Thankfully, Annette seemed to be the same way. What just happened? Why did I do that?! I just...i just froze! Was all I could get through my confussed mind. That's probably all I would've been able to say too, if i could even get my mouth open. "A-A-Annette...I-I..."

Oh yes. Perfect, Logan. You just had a moment, you cant even move, you should

definitely say her name. Brilliant! I thought to myself sarcasticly. She was still unmoving. She just sat there. Her eyes then shifted downwards. I followed her gaze down to my hand, still softly resting against her chin. I quickly removed it. As soon as i did, it was as if there had been chains ontop of the both of us, that were just...lifted off. She quickley turned away, putting her hand up to her mouth. That was all I could see. I did the same.

"LOGAN? ANNETTE? WHERE ARE YOU TWO?" I heard come from inside. Really, Mum, now isn't a good time. She walked out to find two chidren in the tree, sitting back to back, both red as cherries. Of coarse, with her suspisious self, she absolutly had to inquire as to what was going on. "Well what is this? Some kind of new game for you children? Sitting in a tree, wasting time? Or maybe something more?" Though she tried to hold it back, her sly smirk crept onto her face. She knew exacty what was going on, and just as was to be expected from her, she wasn't about to give up untill she knew the detailes.

After coming down from the tree, Annette and I agreed to explain everything at supper. "Alright. I'll go get to that supper then." She walked back into the home, giving us some, not exactly wanted, privacy.

"Logan..." Annette started off with, standing at the bottom of the tree with me. "I'm not exactly sure how to explain this...uhh..." I, also speechless, just watched her every move, waiiting for the resently promised expaination. She took my hands in hers, and kissed my cheek. As if on que, I turned from the now pink, right back to cherry red. She quickly ran inside, also blushing brightly.

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