Chapter One : The Incognito

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        So , Kumusta everyone? Yeah right, that's Filipino and it means How you doin'? Anyway, here's the first chapter. I really hope the Prologue intrigued you, urging you to go on to this Chapter. I promise this story will not dissapoint. It will be one hell of a ride so.. just  what are you waiting for? Sit back, relax, and read.. This would be a nice partner with coffee, chocolate, tea, or whatever it is that you enjoy drinking for a break. By the way, don't forget to drop your comments below. I just need to know what you think about this story so far .   :O

  So much for that, go on...... SCROLL, SCROLL , and SCROLL






        I was sitting under a large oak tree, patiently counting to the hundreds. I was getting anxious by the moment. Where was he? He said he’d be here. Then I heard it. Light, footsteps brushing through the grass. I didn’t have to turn around, I knew it was him… Joe made it. He walked past the tree and stood in front of me. I stared at his feet, my heart beating fast. What should I tell him? Long-time no see? I missed you? Where have you been? A flush crept to my just-turned eighteen face. Then, not knowing where my courage rooted from, I raised my eyes to his face. There, he stood… a curly blonde prince charming, with the most piercing blue eyes and a cute smile on his face. He was holding a bouquet of roses which he held out to me. Then, he said… “No need to be alone, I’m here now ----- Little Princess.”

                The loud shrill of my alarm clock broke the ear-deafening silence of dawn. I was awake, but my eyes wouldn’t open. I wanted to go back to sleep. Hell, I wanted to go back to that dream. It felt so real and I never want it to end. For a minute, I remained pegged to that state. But, it was hopeless. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and braced myself for what I knew would come. What I knew would- there, the tears came… This had been happening to me for quite some time now. I get drowned in my dreams and end up tattered to pieces when I wake up. If only they were real. If only…

                I rose from my bed, as I wiped the tears from my face. Another school day… I can almost see the happenings of today in my peripheral vision. I would go through every class without being noticed. I’d skip lunch, because well, with whom will I eat? No one wants to sit with some loner-freak at lunch. If they do, they’d definitely be out of the clique, and they wouldn’t like that.

                Don’t get me wrong, I’m not that usual pitiful nerd in this jungle called high school. I was never bullied or abused. I was just non-existent, and it hurts even more. But who can I blame? I did this to myself. I chose to be alone, and now I’m paying my price.

                I had acquaintances once or twice throughout my high school life. I’d tried engaging in conversations with some friendly looking student in one of my classes, but sooner, I’d drift away. Perhaps, it is because of what happened on that Sunday behind the oak tree. Somehow, I still haven’t recovered from the pain of being left without as much as a goodbye. I know it’s been ten years, and I shouldn’t even be acting this way for such trivial thing. But I can’t help it. The scars are still there and it still hurts as though the wounds never healed at all.

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