Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

 Alexis Myer POV

As I walked up to school, everyone was whispering. We were all Weres, so why they were doing that I don't know. I put on my usual smirk and said loudly. "I can hear you." Some blushed, some glared. I strolled into my lesson. The principal was human which is how I got in this school. Clever I know.

The front doors to the school stood open and just as I was about to enter I noticed a group of human boys staring at me. "What?" I glared at them. There were five of them and the tallest of them had brown hair and yellow eyes. He looked amused which was strange because most humans can sense danger around Weres, their instincts tell them we're no good and so most stay away. I stepped forward, trying to supress a growl and stared at him. His eyes were so yellow, almost like a wolves, but if we was one then I'd know. I growled and he put his hands up in surrender. Somehow he seemed familiar if that was even possible.

That was strange and apparently my first day was going to get even more strange.

 I collected my timetable and went to my first lesson which was Maths. Ugh, I hate maths. I was bored the entire lesson. I doodled in my notebook, I love to draw and so did this most of my time. I drew the forest and a wolf standing, howling into the sky. A blue moon visible. But the wolf I had drawn wasn't me, it was him...

Lunch was interesting. I had just sat don when the boy with yellow eyes came in, he looked at me for a few minutes and then walked away. There was something strange about him, something not human. What was he?

SLAM. I turned to see a boy with his fist in my table. "Well it's nice to meet you too." I said sarcastically. "What are you doing on our land rogue?" He wasn't the Alpha, he was the Beta. I narrowed my eyes, so rude. "I'm coming to school duh?" He growled, not liking y tone. But I would take any tone I pleased with him, he couldn't control me. "Look, I don't now who you think you are, but-"

"Alexis Myer" I interrupted him.

"What?" Now you see nobody really knew what I looked like since I'd killed anyone who saw me and so I wasn't surprise by his reaction.

"How do I know you're actually her? What if you're a fake?" I growled in anger and stood up.

"You'll just have to take my word for it." I pushed my sleeve up and revealed a crescent shaped scar on my arm. I suppose my only weakness is that I don't kill children, they saw the scar and so word passed around if you believed such things, if you believed words of children which many Alphas stupidly don't. The scar was a myth, well a myth that was true.

The Beta's eyes widened. "So it's true." I sat back down and continued eating my sandwich.

"Better believe it buddy. Now run along." He growled and narrowed his eyes, and stormed out. I knew this wouldn't be the last I'd seeing of him.

The rest of the day went smoothly, well about as smoothly as a rocky road cake. Word got out to who I was and all the werewolves showed fear. They all scurried away from me in the halls. I was walking along and then this blur of pink which smelled like a really strong perfume bumped into me. "What the?"

On the ground lay a human dressed all in pink, ew I hate pink. The girl looked embarrassed and kept apologising. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I shrugged and said it was alright. Suddenly I heard shouts form the end of the hall and the hoots. I turned to girl and she looked scared. Sighing I grabbed her arm and tugged her away to safety.

Outside the sun was shining and the air was warm as I laid on the grass.  "Why did you do that?"

I ignored her question. "For someone so small and fraile, bright pink is hardly the colour that would suit you."

The little blonde girl curled in front of me looked like an angel. I could snap her like a twig. "Um yeah, they took my clothes when I was getting changed and these were all I could find to change into."

The girl reminded me of myself, I had died my hair blonde, but I was naturally dark brown that had a tint of red in the sun. I don't know why I died my hair blonde, I guess I was interested to see what I would like blonde.

"Well, it's been fun and all that, but I'll see you round." I got up and walked away, but her little voice stopped me.

"See you tomorrow?"

I turned round and pulled my sunglasses down onto my nose with one hand so I could see her, "Yes you will see me tomorrow." Sunglasses back on, I strode home with nothing, but the forest on my mind.

I really fancied going for a run!


Author's note:

For those of you who have read this already, I have edited the book and changed it quite a lot. For new readers, thank you for stumbling onto my story.

Until the next edited chapter!  :)

Taylor x

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