Chapter 4 Part 2

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"Hey, honey. How was your day?" mum questions as she walks into the living room where I'm sprawled out on the sofa with a blanket watching cartoons from the kids Netflix section. All the series and movies on the 'grown up section' have love or death in them. You don't want to know what happened when I tried watching Making a Murder a couple of days ago.

"Fine." I state, resting my head back down on the cushion. Wynter left a few hours ago, and I've been here ever since. "Wynter left at lunch."

"Oh, did you have fun?" she asks hopefully, while walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, it was good to talk to her." I reply blandly. I hear some clattering in the kitchen and pots and pans being jostled about.

"Well, that's good." she walks back into the room a few minutes later, holding two bowls of ice cream. I look from her to the food, and from the food to her, then flick off the TV and sigh. This means she's trying to get me in a good mood for something. Mum smiles apologetically as I move my feet and sit up for her to sit down next to me. Handing me the bowl, she turns to face me.

"So..." I start when she doesn't start.

"I think you should start school again." She rushes out quickly, looking down at the melting ice cream. I stop and think for a moment; pros: I get to see my friends, I have been off for over two weeks and I need to catch up, Ace would want me to. Cons: sympathetic stares, people might treat me differently; I don't want to break down in the middle of class.

"I..." Ace would want this.

But the questions...

You need to live your life, Claire.


"Okay?" mum's eyebrows shoot up to the roof, and she stares at me with her mouth open.

"Yeah... I mean, if not now, when?" I explain, although that's not the reason at all. Ugh, it's too hard to describe my inner thoughts to anyone. She moves closer to me and pulls me into her arms.

"You're so strong, honey." she mutters into my hair. I close my eyes and breathe in her familiar perfume. Whenever I was hurt when I was younger, she would always hug me like this, so I could smell her expensive fragrance and cry it out. I guess hurt just got a new meaning. I pull away. "You can go in on Monday, and if you can't do it, you can have until next Friday?"

Monday is two days away, that works. "Monday, if not, Next Friday." I nod. 

Song: The Man cover, VIGR (Brad Kavanagh)

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