Basketball courts: the place where dreams are fulfilled...or not

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I'm so sorry! Finals is coming up and I'm really stressed. I hope you guys understand. This is like my go to when I am stressed, writing releases my stress for some reason. I love you guys!!!

Dayum. Is all I have to say. This boy can play. Of course we were on the same team, Caden and I. He got the moves like Jaguar. Hehe I'm joking. Not really. I scored half of what Caden did. I scored 6 baskets and he got 12 baskets. Sometimes I would stand and watch him play then the ball would hit my chest. Ow. So we played for about an hour and we ended up beating Harry and Brad-I mean Kip. They were really cool guys. "Hey, when do you start going to school?" Cadence asked me. "2 days" my mom replied before I could. None of us noticed that she was standing there. "Oh...hey mom" was all I could get out. Cadence looked at me and smiled warmly. "20 minutes Em." My mom told me. "Alrighty then, what do you guys want to do for 20 minutes?" Harry asked us. "Okay first of all who says 'alrighty then'? And how about we go on a walk?" Kip chipped in. "Well first of all I say 'alrighty then' and secondly a walk sound cool." Harry said. "I'm down for a walk" Cadence looked at me with a questioning look. "A walk sounds lovely." I replied. We all started laughing because I said it in a a British accent. So on a walk we went.
To be continued

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