The Walk

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I am so sorry for the wait! What's a story without suspense right😏😉. As i have mentioned in one of my replies to a comment I have a long 8 hour trip to Vegas and to expect mucho updates. Maybe. But I will be on vay-cay all of next week so do not expect any updates! I have all of this week as well so I will update at least once everyday I promise, and this I will keep! I know no haven't been the best at updating but I want to thank all of you guys who continue to read and wait. I also want to remind you that I do all of my chapters all at once so I don't start a chapter then continue later, which is why my chapters are short. Again thank to you who have stayed faithful and please. Please please! Comment ideas. It really sparks ideas and may help writers block. Which means quicker updates! Okay now on with the story.
As we began our walk, we began the talk. "So Emma, what do you like to do in your free time?" Harry asked me. "Well I'm very sporty so I like to play volleyball, basketball, soccer and in PE I do football and dodgeball. I also love to swim and draw." I could see Caden smiling in the corner of my eye. "What about you Harry?" I asked him. "Oh me?! I don't do anything interesting" he surrendered his hands "but why don't you ask Caden over here" he nudged Caden in the shoulder. Caden gave him the 'what the hell was that for' look. I giggled. "Okay fine. Caden what do you like to do in your free time?" He rolled his eyes at Harry. "Umm... I like to play basketball and... sports and...stuff....... yeah" He blushed. "Oh that sounds fun." Harry said sarcastically. "Caden also is very artistic and loves to read. He's such a goody-two shoes. He doesn't really do anything more than a nerd, besides play basketball." Kip said. Caden glared at him. Man if looks could kill Kip would be six feet under. "That's not true" Caden fought. I just giggled. I noticed that Caden was dazing at me from the corner of my eye"How about a subject change" I said after I finished giggling. "What about?" Kip asked. "Well since you asked.... HOW DID YOU GET YOUR NICK-NAME!?" I asked maybe too excitedly. "I told you it's a long story!" Kip replied. Long story? Long walk? I think we have time. "Well guess what? We still have fifteen minutes left till I have to go inside." Kip sighed. "Fine. You want to know how I got from Brad to Kip? Ill tell you." I gasped in pretend shock. "Really?! Who would have known?!" I said sarcastically. Caden chuckled along with Harry. Kip rolled his eyes and whispered something in Caden's ear. I saw him blush.
*Caden's POV*
After kip said I was a goody-two shoes all Emma could do was giggle. Man her giggle was so cute and attractive. I didn't realize I was dazing until Emma piped in "How about a subject change?" "What about?" Kip asked. "Well since you asked.... HOW DID YOU GET YOUR NICK-NAME!?" Emma said over-excitedly. "I told you it's a long story." Kip replied. I noticed Emma was thinking to herself. "Well guess what? We still have fifteen minutes left until I have to go inside." Emma said. I heard Kip sigh. Oh boy. Here comes the 'long' story. "Fine. You want to know how I got from Brad to Kip? Ill tell you." Emma gasped in pretend shock. "Really?! Who would have known?!" She said sarcastically. I chuckled along with Harry. Kip rolled his eyes and whispered in my ear: "Dude, she's a keeper" I blushed. Why did I blush? Did I like Emma? Do I have feelings for her? "Come on Kip! Let's hear the 'dreaded' long story." Emma chimed in eagerly. Oh boy here comes the truth. "Uh" Kip scratched his head. "My little sister when she was a baby would always come up to me and kick me" he said really fast. "So?" Emma said. "Well when she did, she would say 'kip' instead of kick so the name stuck with me ever since. First it was a nick-name for my parents but then everyone else called me Kip." He finished the story. "That's it?! That's the long dreaded story that you didn't want to tell me because it was soooooo long?!" Emma sighed. "That my dear sir, is a story that took you less than a minute to tell, what made you say it was soooo long?" She questioned him. "" He replied. We continued our walk and asked a million different questions to each other. We had a great time and got to know each other better(even though I knew Harry and Kip I learned some new things). Eventually we reached Emma's house and then Harry and Kip said "well we better get going. Are you tomorrow Caden." And with that they left en all alone with Emma. They did this on purpose I knew because as they turned away they smirked at me an evil smirk! Ugh those idiots! "I had a wonderful time today" Emma said. "Me too. I'm glad I got to know you better." I told her. "Yeah me too." She said. I was gazing at her eyes and she blushed. "You are one beautiful person" I told her. Her cheeks turned bright red. "Thank you." She said. I looked at her lips for a split second. Then back at her eyes. I noticed that she looked down at my lips. I leaned in, holding her face in my hands and-
To be continued...
Here you guys go! Comment, vote! Thanks again Luv ya guys😘😘😘😘 sorry again for the long wait. Another one will be up tomorrow! Enjoy! The next chapter will be dedicated to Sophia_lovesYou because she was the first to comment. Be the first to comment or give a great idea and you will get a chapter dedicated to you!!! In the next chapter I will let you know who the next dedication is for! Luv ya😘😘😘

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