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Mikeys POV
"Bye mom. I'm going to pick up Breyon then we're going to school."

"Ok honey be safe. I love you."

"I love you too mom" I said while grabbing a bagel off the counter to eat in the car.

"Oh wait will you pick up some milk on the way home? I forgot to get some yesterday and we're all out now."

"Of course I will mom." And with that I left.

Breyons house was only a couple blocks away from mine so I was there with in 5 minutes. He wanted to stop for some Dunkin donuts, that boy never stops eating, but we were running late so I just gave him my bagel.

"Dude really? Your bagel with huge ass chunk taken outta it. Just stop at Dunkin"

"We can't. We're gunna be late and I have a Spanish test today 1st period. If I'm late I can't take it and I'll end up with a D this quarter. I barely hanging onto this C right now and I'm gunna do everything I can to keep it a C."

Yeah I wasn't the best in school. Or out of school. My social skills really lack. Which explains my lack of friends. But I don't really care. The less friends I have the less people I have to trust and the less people that trust me. I'm always afraid of letting people down.

I felt like I let my father down before he died. I felt like I was never good enough for him. He was in the military always doing great things for others. All I ever did was go to school and not understand shit. Way to make your father proud Mikey.

And my mom. She's had it really hard since my dad died. She used to be a stay at home mom helping out with me and my sisters but now she has 3 jobs that she works so hard at. I have 2 jobs to help out but they don't pay much so I'm not much help. And having the 2 jobs leaves a lot less time for homework so my grades have dropped a lot.

My mom always says how much she loves and appreciates everything that I do but I feel like I'm not doing enough. That's why I started younow but we'll get into that later.

Liz's POV
L: Meg where are you
M: I'm coming
J: hurry Meg I have a Spanish test first period!

She had Spanish with Mikey Barone. Yes the Mikey Barone aka a younower aka the one everyone says is problematic but really everyone he's just standing up for himself aka the one I have to hide my identity from. Let me explain:

At my school I'm know as that biggest slut and well I'd have to agree with them on that. I do sleep around a lot, but ever since I saw Mikey broadcast for the first time I've been trying to do that less. It's hard sometimes because people expect me to always say yes to them but I've started saying no recently people aren't really happy about that. It's a lot easier to say no over the phone that way if they put up a fight I can just hang up or stop responding but in person I see them actually get mad so I give in sometimes. But I hate it. Something about Mikey just makes me feel embarrassed to let him know who I really am, the school slut, so I hide it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him who I am. Only time can tell.
M: I'm almost to your house Jules. My mom had me do a bunch of stuff before I left
J: well hurry I can't be late for my Spanish class

Within 10 minutes Megan and Julie had arrived at my house and we drove to school. We ended up getting there with around 5 minutes to spare in which Julie spent studying. I on the other hand spent at my locker which is 2 lockers away from Breyons aka mikeys best friend and they are always there in the morning.

As I was pretending to take books out of my locker and put books in I felt two hands touch my lower back and soon after felt soft kisses on my neck.

"Why don't we take this to a more private place" a way too familiar voice said

"No Jake I was done with you last year when you cheated on me." I said Turing around with his hands now around my waist

"Come on I'm horny and we all know you'll have sex with anyone."

"That's false. I don't have sex with pigs so it looks like you have no luck."

He grip on me had now tightened to the point where it was starting to hurt.


"Oh that hurts. Why don't you come with me or I'll make sure the pain you feel is 10 times worse."

"Let go of me Jake"

As we all probably figured out he don't let go but instead held on tighter. I let out a wince it pain has his grasp continued to tighten.

"Let go Jake"

"Hey dude she said let go. Why don't you respect that?"

I looked to my right to see it was Breyon who said that.

"Why don't you mind your own business before I kick your ass?"

"Seriously dude I'm not looking for trouble bu-" he didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence before jakes fist collided with his face. Next thing I know I'm in the principles office with Jake Breyon and Mikey explaining what just happened.

Sometimes opposites do attract // Mikey BaroneWhere stories live. Discover now