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Liz's POV
Alex said the movie was at 7 so he picked me up at 6:40 so we had time to get tickets, concessions, and seats. The theatre was just around the block from my house so it was really only like a 2 minute drive.

When we got inside Alex gave me some money and asked me to order the snacks and he would help me carry them once he got the tickets. I guess he really wants this movie to be a surprise.

"Were in theatre 3" Alex said with a huge smile on his face as he came over from the ticket booth.

"What's got you so smiley" I asked suspicious of what he might not be telling me

"Oh nothing. I just think your really going to like this"

"You're pretty confident huh"

"Why yes I am"

I just laughed and walked away with the popcorn and my soda leaving him to carry the rest of the snacks.

Once he had gathered all the remaining snacks he caught up with me just in time to cover my eyes from seeing what movie was playing before we walked into the screening room. I don't really know how he managed to do that cause his hands were full but I don't know.

We opened the first door to the room and two workers were sitting there with a empty cart. Alex started putting the snacks onto the cart so I did the same although I was extremely confused. Next thing I know one worker opens the next door and the other takes the cart in as we follow.

"Ok I know it's been a while since I've been to the theatre but they've really stepped up their game" I whispered to Alex in utter shock

"Hahaha you're cute" he laughed


"Just look"

As we turned the corner to face the seats I saw more pillows and blankets then I'd seen in my life total.

"Okay what's all this for"


"Ok I get that but why"

"Because I know how hard things have been for you recently and you deserve to be able to relax and forget about any stress for a couple hours." He said as he lead us up to the center of pillows and blankets with his arm around my waist.

"So you did all of this because I was stressed. Wow where have you been my whole life"

He just laughed while I cuddled into him on this makeshift cloud except I'm pretty sure this is better than a cloud.

"Wait so will you tell me what movie we're seeing now" I figured he would now since the previews were starting

"Ok well it's close the Christmas break and I remember you telling me you're favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life soooo"

"So you mean to tell me that you got this whole theatre for us and you got them to play It's a Wonderful Life all for me"


"Seriously where have you been all my life"

"Utah sorry"

"Well Utah raised you right and you're here now."

"You're right I am.....So listen" he said a few moments later. His voice changed a little. Like it got softer.


"I kinda lied I little bit"

I just raised my eyebrow signaling for him to continue.

"I didn't only do this because you were having a hard time. I have a question to ask you"

"Go on"

"Elizabeth Marie Walsh will you be my girlfriend?"


Crap. I still don't think I'm ready for a boyfriend. But what do I tell him. I don't wanna hurt his feelings. I really do like him but after Jake I don't know if I can handle another boyfriend.

"So?" He asked waiting for my reply

"I uh gotta go"

I don't know where that came from I don't even think it registered with my brain. Luckily it registered with my body and my legs walked me right out of there.

Alex's POV
I don't get it. What'd I do? I thought that would be perfect. She seemed so happy with it. Did I say something wrong? Did I not ask her right?

Before I could even get a hold on my thoughts the movie started and I just sat there shocked.

I might as well stay I already paid for it but it sucks being all alone.

Mikey's POV
Its currently 7:30 which means I have two and a half hours before I'm supposed to meet and talk with Liz.

I decided to go live while I wait.

Liz's POV
When I left the theatre I headed straight home. I feel so bad just leaving him there like that without an explanation but I didn't know what else to do. I was scared.

Mikey Barone is live: I'm happy

Crap I totally forgot I'm supposed to meet with Mikey tonight. Maybe I could just text him and cancel.

No if I cancel I won't ever want to try to thank him again so I better do it tonight. I'll just take a nap til I have to go.

I set an alarm for 9:30 so I'll have enough time to fix any bed head and drive over by 10.


I woke up before my alarm which like never happens so I decided to go on my phone for a bit and wait for it to go off.

Crap. Wait. It's 10:45. Oh my god. Oh my god. I need to text Mikey.


I hit send, put my phone on my night stand, and ran to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup and brush my teeth but half way through brushing my teeth I heard the doorbell ring.

"Just a second" I yelled

I quickly finished with my teeth, rinsed my teeth, and ran downstairs to see someone sitting on the couch.

"Um hi?" I was confused as to why a random person was sitting on my couch and how they even got in

"Hi" they turned around. It was Mikey.

"Mikey? What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"You're brothers babysitter let me in and I waited for you at the park but you didn't show so I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine and you really didn't need to come check up on me or wait for me for 45 minutes"

"Well I heard you were going to the movies with Alex and when you didn't show up I thought maybe he did something to you like he did to hi-"

"Mikey stop. I can't believe you. This was a mistake. You know I only wanted to talk to you to thank you for respecting the distance but I shouldn't have. I should have just let it be. Nothing good ever comes out of us talking. And for your information Alex and I did go to the movies and yes he did do something"

"What's he do? I swear I beat the sh-"

"Jesus you never learn do you. He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"And what'd you say?"

"It's really none of your business but I-I. I said yes! Now I'm gunna need you to leave and please just never speak to me again."

Oh things just got interesting. Haha. Please vote and comment I love reading the comments it makes me so happy just reading whatever you guys have to say.

Sometimes opposites do attract // Mikey BaroneWhere stories live. Discover now