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Liz's POV
"What are you doing here, mom"

"I live here."

"Ok but you left Travis and I alone for almost 5 and a half months." Her sarcastic tone was not needed and quite frankly it pissed me off more than her presence.

"Yes but I sent money twice a week for groceries and whatever else you needed."

"Oh cause money makes up for 5 and a half months without a mother. You know you may be a god awful mother but you could at least be here for Travis so he doesn't feel completely alone. He's with a babysitter most of the time because I have school or am with friends. And yeah I could definitely be here more but you're the god damn mother you should be here everyday not every time you break up with one of your boyfriends. I'm sick of it mom. You need to be here. You need to get a job."

"You're right."

"I am right. Wait I am? You're agreeing with me?"

"Yes and actually that's the reason I'm back. I was gone for so long because I was at rehab. Ok I wasn't there the whole time but after Jim broke up with me I knew I couldn't come back and face you so eventually when I ran out of money I decided it was time to check myself into rehab. When I found a sponsor she helped me get back on my feet. She helped me get a job and let me stay with her until I was ready to come back which I am now so here I am."

"No mom. You've done this before. You've gone to rehab before and it always turns out the same. You're back to drinking again within two weeks. I can't trust you. I think you need to stay at your sponsors house."

"No please. Please let me prove to you. I've worked so much harder this time. Yes I've gone to rehab before bu-"

"Mom please"

"Let me finish." I rolled my eyes and let her continue. "So yes I've gone to rehab before but every time I come out I've wanted to drink or go find whatever drug I could get my hand on but this time I didn't. Just please give me a chance."

"Mom n-"

"3 weeks. Just give me 3 weeks to prove myself. And if I even think about drinking I'll leave."

I took a minute to think before giving her an answer.

"Fine but I'm only doing this for Travis. He deserves a mom sense you took his dad away from him."

I saw the look of guilt upon her face as those words spat out of my mouth. I have never seen that before. Not since before Travis was born. Maybe she was beginning to change. Maybe I'd finally have a mom again. Maybe Travis would finally have a mom.

My head was spinning was spinning with multiple hopes and dreams of the life I wish I had but I knew the reality of the situation. I knew that she would act like she didn't care about drinking for the first couple days, then when she couldn't take it anymore she'd "secretly" start drinking again. She thought I didn't know but how could I not she wasn't the same person with any bit of alcohol in her system. And when she finally broke and craved alcohol every second of the day she'd leave. She'd find a new boyfriend that would buy her nice things that she could sell and Travis and I would live off that money til she got back and stayed sober for at max two weeks.

That's how it was and that's how it always would be. I can't believe I'm giving her another chance.

"Thank you so much darling. I promise I won't let you or Travis down."

"Yeah well we'll see about that. Now just go....do whatever. I'm gunna talk to them for a bit" I said gesturing to my beautiful bestfriends and boyfriend. She just knocked, grabbed her bags and headed upstairs.

When she was out of sight I held up a finger to the girls asking them to give me a minute as a grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him outside. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. I just didn't know that why meg was texting me."

"No no baby girl don't apologize. Are you gunna be okay? Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No it's okay I was gunna ask meg and Jules to stay for a couple nights, but actually when she's home I usually like to be here because I don't want anything to happen to Travis so I won't really be able to go out much unless we take Travis with but come over anytime you want. Travis loves being with you so I know he's enjoy it."

"Yeah I'll come over all the time. You know what actually why don't you me and Travis all go to the park tomorrow or something."

"He would love that. I would love that." I actually started to tear up a little bit after hearing him say that.

"Hey don't cry it's all gunna be okay."

"I-I'm fine. It's just been a while since I've had anyone care this much about me other than meg and Jules. I'm just so lucky to have you. Thank you Alex"

"You're welcome Liz. I'll always be here for you." I smiled to myself after hearing those words. I really meant what I said about being so lucky to have him. The first day I met him when he first walked into class I thought he was some rich bad boy asshole but I was only a third right. He is rich but he's definitely not a bad boy or an asshole. I just can't believe I get to call him mine.

Sorry this chapter is so short and so late. I was reading a really good book and I needed to finish it but I wanted to have something for you guys so it's a shorter chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting. It means so much to me.

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