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E Class is an old classroom far from the main campus just above a mountain. I haven't seen the real deal up until now. It looks so rundown I wonder how the other students can tolerate this type of environment.

Mr. Karasuma is here with me of course, he tagged along in my attendance by dawn just to make sure I don't do anything too reckless that'll harm my fellow students. Looks like they're too valuable to the octopus in which case makes them a good trigger if ever I feel the need to.

"Its a good call to be shuttled here via chopper to scour the perimeter before any of your other classmates gets here." Mr. Karasuma said as he walked with me towards the small building.

Being around this man gives me the creeps. As if he's watching, observing everything I do for his own personal data. I know he tried to pry into some of my background but alas Reika went MIA after her escape in juvi and was declared deceased in order not to to alert the public.

"The early bird gets the worm, and by worm I mean that vile monstrosity who blew up the moon into a permanent crescent." I smiled. "I'm going to mount his head on my bedroom wall. I have plenty of souvenirs from my targets since I was eight, wanna see them for yourself Mr. Karasuma?"

"I'll pass."

"Its your loss." I shrugged then took in the place one more time, memorizing each detail in seconds. "Heh. I'll get my equipment ready from a hundred mile radius, I'll start from the nearest apex to secure the area which is probably that tall looking mountain." I pointed at my destination and swung my duffle bag over my shoulder.

On a hiking here I go!

"Not so fast."

Grunting, I turned to Mr. Karasuma who had a hand to my shoulder. "What now?"

"You're still a teenager, going alone up a steep mountain isn't something your fellow classmates do as a starting point in assassination." He's got a point, and a really crappy one. "You're being too reckless on the first day."

I swatted his hand away and turned to him. "Then what's the purpose of you pulling me out of 3A if you won't let me have my way?"

"Start from here, somewhere I can keep guard of all of you."

This fella's seriously ticking me off.

Carefully, I pulled out a real knife and lunged at him. I aimed to slice his throat open when he caught me by the wrist and locked it in a twist. On instinct, I kicked his knee and used it to jump away from him, giving myself a good distance with my knife still intact.

Mr. Karasuma's eyes widened for a second. "You're pretty good for a kid."

I smirked, holding my knife underhand so it aligned with my elbow. "Not so bad yourself for an old timer."

"Fine. Do what you want." It surprised me when he let his stance down. "Just come back early, Koro-sensei doesn't tolerate tardy newcomers."

Hell yeah! Now that's a teacher I can call my favorite!

"Okie! I'll be back before you know it Mr. Karasuma! Sorry I tried to kill you, it was on purpose but you can't blame me for trying."


Its 12pm which means it should be lunch time. I didn't keep my word about being tardy but oh well! This is going to be so fun.

I cut myself a few times on my legs, arms, neck and face and gave myself a graze on my forehead by bashing it against a rock. Also, I kind of accidentally shot my shoulder in the process nevertheless I'm still good to go! Sure my uniform's all bloody now but I can still walk so that's not a problem.

Time to put my plan in motion.

I ran around a few times just to make my exhaustion look real as I ran into the clearing where the shooting range is just behind the classroom.

"Help! Please! H-Help me!" Once I reached the center of the clearing I stumbled over and fell to the ground. I coughed out blood and kept crying in pain. "Someone please help me!"

Most students who ate their lunch outside were shocked at the sight of me. Some of them ran inside to call for Mr. Karasuma and Koro-sensei.

A blue haired boy was the first to approach me. He knelt beside me and ripped a piece of his uniform to tie up my bullet wound. "You're gonna be okay, just breathe and stay calm. You're not gonna die here, help is coming."

"Oh dear! What happened to you?!"

On cue at mach 20, the yellow creature appeared behind me.

It took everything in me not to smile. At the corner of my eye, Mr. Karasuma looked horrified. Exactly the reaction I was hoping for. He wasn't looking at me though, his eyes were on the blue haired boy next to me.

Don't get your panties in a twist, I know very well how valuable these students are.

The moment the octopus touched my arm, I clicked the trigger on my tongue and tackled the boy, pulling him with me to the ground.

From the mountain's summit, five rockets filled with anti-octopus bbs went straight for Koro-sensei's position.

I have a bulletproof vest under my uniform so the boy and I didn't get harmed by the blast. All I could hear was static before everything went stable again. I sat up from the boy and looked around.

"Did I get him?"

"What the hell were you thinking, Bailey?!" Mr. Karasuma grabbed me by my arm and pushed me aside, tending to the blue haired boy. "Nagisa, can you hear me? Are you hurt?"

"Of course he's not." I pulled out my knife from my boot and bit on the hilt, then pushed my dislocated shoulder back to place. "I made sure I'd take the hit, not him." I dug my fingers inside my open wound and pulled out the silver bullet I shot myself with. "Well I'm gonna feel a lot of this t-tomo.. rrow.."


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