3. His Scent

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The bed is so comfy its too good to be true.

I rolled around for a few minutes before deciding to turn my phone on.

|82 messages and 36 missed calls from Bakashu Asano|

I can't deal with drama right now, honestly. I rolled to my side and caught a whiff of something.

That scent again.. I've been smelling it since first period, its so intoxicating I want to know what it is.

Wait. Karma's clothes.. they smell.. No, Bailey! Stop! Control thy hormones.

I jumped out of bed to pace around the room, trying my best to distract myself from the scent. I opened a random door that led to an empty walk-in closet.

I wonder if Karma's mom ever slept in this room at all. I never knew my mother so I don't really know how it's like to have one.

It must be hard for Karma that they travel often, even if he doesn't admit it.

I got out into the hallway wearing Karma's shirt and boxers that ended above my knees.

For a boy, he's really fit and its making me feel insecure. Also, he smells incredibly good. I think he's gay though.

I shouldn't be here, in this house I mean. Its not safe for me to stay when I barely know the person who owns this place.

Yeah.. maybe I made a mistake about accepting his offer.

With my mind made up I walked up the stairs in search for Karma's bedroom.

The halls are longer on this floor which doesn't really help me in my case right now. Good thing he left all the lights on, I hate walking in the dark.

I hugged myself tightly as the hall suddenly got colder. It was a long walk before I could find a room with double doors that had his initials on a plaque.

Well here goes nothing.

I took in a deep breath before knocking at the door. "Karma? You up?"

No answer.

It took everything I had to knock again and thankfully this time he finally opened the door.

Instead of looking him straight in the eyes my attention went down to his bare abdomen.

Lord forgive me for I have sinned.

"I am now." He sighed. "What is it?"

I found the will to avert my eyes from his toned stomach to the carpet on the floor. "I-I put a lot of thought into it and I guess-"


"I haven't even said anything yet."

He leaned against the doorframe as he stared me down. "You don't have to, its written all over your face and my answer is no. You can't go home, at least not around this time, its 2 in the morning can't you wait for a few more hours? Just until dawn breaks."

I glance up at him. "This is basically kidnapping, you know."

"With consent of the kidnapee, I don't think so."

"You got me there." I rubbed my eyes and yawned like a kid. Now I feel sleepy. "Sorry for waking you."

Karma's cheeks turned red when I looked up to him. He covered to lower part of his face with the back of his hand then turned away.

"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing.. just go back downstairs and get some sleep."

"Alright. Goodnight."

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