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I would not wish sickness on my worst enemy.

The raging fever, the never-ending tremors, the delusions; I was caught between this time in the next.

Part of me would wake, completely conscious seeing the worried look in Jasmine's eyes, Ursula's purple one's, Camille's kind brown ones.

Another part of my, would shiver, and my mind would go back to the time last winter when I had fallen ill after my fall in the ice.

Black eyes, staring down at me as I shivered in a tub full of boiling water, desperate to gain warmth, love flooding my heart.

And then blue eyes staring at me, anguish behind them.

The blurred line of reality and dream convoluting until I could decipher neither.

Dreams of my childhood, Gabriel's face drawn and worried swimming in my vision. Memories of riding bareback, Fire wildly as a child, clutching onto his mane as we galloped along. My father, and his storm grey eyes. The very same eyes that stared vacantly as he lay at an awkward angle, his neck broken.

Running away from Clemmie as she begged me to bathe. Inhaling the warm scent of the mountain air, swimming in the pond with Lysander...

And finally when the worst of my fever had broken, I woke to sheets soaked with my sweat and Ursula tending to my bedside.

"Ursula?" I asked, my voice dry, my throat unbearably tight, tears flooding my eyes as the early morning light seared my vision.

"Thank the Gods!" She cried, her violet eyes filling with tears of relief. "Jasmine! Call for the physician! She is lucid."

"Water," I gasped, my voice hardly a whisper. "Please, water."

It was brought to my lips, quenching the dry burn in my mouth and in my throat.

My Lord Grandfather's physician swept into the room, and immediately began checking my pulse, peering into my eyes, feeling at my forehead, and touching at two points beneath my chin.

"Much better. The disease has left her body. Now, she only needs heal and to grow stronger. Feed her slowly, keep her in bed, keep her warm and she will recover."

Jasmine thanked the physician, who merely bowed and said "My pleasure." Before sweeping out, just as quickly as he came, while Ursula watched, her purple eyes tired with dark circles beneath them. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, although her gown was soiled and she was in great need for a fresh one. Her words from the night of Uncle Kennigan's banquet came to mind.

"You look beautiful Azura. Beautiful and awful."

I shuddered hard, watching as her eyes fell on me, and I could feel the relief in them.

"It is so good, so good to see your eyes open, Azura."

"It is good to be awake." I said, my voice still but a whisper. "How long have I been ill?"

"A little under a week." She smoothed my hair back. "Whatever were you thinking? Riding without an escort, going to the banquet when you had ridden half the country both ways? Riding in the rain when you should've stopped! Do you have a death wish?" Her voice was shrill, and she sounded like a mother scolding me.

I took it, knowing she only did it because she truly cared. And that I truly deserved it.

"So much has happened." Ursula changed the subject abruptly. "The King has died. Your Uncle will be crowned the eve before the Revolution Ball. Which means you will also be crowned Nova alongside him."

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