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Bellevue, Thierry's family estate was magnificent. Although he preferred his own villa in the heart of Opica, Bellevue lay outside the throbbing city, on the southernmost point of L'Illia, right on the waters.

It was a majestic limestone castle, rising up out of the land until it seemed to touch the azure sky. Thierry squeezed my hand as we rode through the gates, up the road, stopping in front of the building.

"Well." He sighed.

"Well." My voice was shaky, and I felt so nervous I could hardly breathe.

"She has been dying to meet you, Azura." Thierry told me, taking my other hand. "I've told her so much about us, that she feels as though she already knows you. It won't be difficult, I swear. Just behave as you would if she weren't there."

I gave him an arch look. He laughed.

"Okay, behave as you would with your own mother. But she will love you. I swear it." He kissed my hand, helping me out of the coach.

"You swear an awful lot," I noted, mentally counting the oaths he'd sworn in my honor.

There was the one he had sworn on the first night we'd met during my debut ball; when he vowed to fight any attempts on my Novaship, and the next night when he swore he would never betray me, then during a private breakfast between the two of us, when he swore he was falling in love with me.

I felt warm all over, strolling hand in hand through the doors, where is mother waited. So warm, that I hardly noticed when his mother embraced Thierry, laughingly.

"My son!" She doted, although he towered over her. "You look thin as a reed, my love. Have you been eating?"

"Yes mother." Thierry laughed. "Very much so, as usual."

"Thierry eats very much, my lady." I offered with a smirk, curtseying in her direction.

"I know." Josephina d'Opica glanced sidelong at her son, her smile indulgent and amused. "And although he eats like a horse, he's gained no weight since he reached seventeen."

I glanced at Thierry's body, and disagreed with her disapproval. True, he was lean, yet his shoulders were broad, arms and torso thick with corded muscles. Good enough to eat.

"Please, Your Grace; I hate to interrupt your thoughts of devouring my son, but I would have a word with you." Josephina's words were airy and indolent, a woman who'd known privilege and power her entire life. But then again, being the Commander and Chief of the L'Illian army's wife must've carried its benefits.

"Thierry, I think Solai is sleeping in her room. Duchess, we shall adjourn in the salon."

Thierry's vivid blue eyes met mine, as he turned to take his leave, encouraging and confident. My heart sank as I watched him go, before turning back towards Josephina.

"Lead the way, Madame."

She did, giving me a little tour of her beautiful, marble encased home. It was spacious and airy, exquisite and expensive, very different from my own. Our manor in Alaysia was comfortable and simple. Our furniture carried its expenses, and we owned plenty of land, but it had a rustic quality that mirrored the land we lived on.

Josephina d'Opica's home mirrored the exotic quality of the land her family countied, with sunshine spilling golden and bright through windows, a plethora of exotic plants, vibrant colored rugs and couches to match.

A huge portrait of the family hung in the salon; Thierry as a youth, holding his brother Damien's hand, with Josephina d'Opica's arms around them both. Uncle Hector was noticeably absent from the picture.

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