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My newfound love of fashion rejoiced at Thierry's gift during breakfast the next morning.

"I couldn't have you travelling the streets in Trelainian attire, now could I?" He grinned wickedly, as I tore into the parcel he had given me.

"Oh, Thierry!" I cried, pulling out a majestic shining blue tunic dress, loose and breezy. They matched his eyes perfectly; I did not need a looking glass to know it was so.

"You're welcome, my dark angel."


He stuck his tongue out, and I ran into my chamber to quickly change. I returned downstairs in my new garb, my hair falling loose around my shoulders, hanging to my waist. His eyes softened as I approached, and I couldn't help the warm feeling that flooded me.

"Shoes?" I asked, breaking our staring struggle.

"One does not wear shoes in Opica." Thierry grinned.

My eyes widened. "One does not- why?"

"It is the D'Opican way, darkling. Get used to it."

Grinning I sighed, "Very well then. No shoes. What shall we do today?"

"We're going to visit someone I like very much, and who I think you will come to admire as well." Thierry said, taking my hand. "But that is all. I do not want to overtax you; Ursula threatened my stones if any ill befell you."

A startled laugh escaped my lips as I felt a twist somewhere near my heart. Despite my constant doubts, the Baroness de Dragonnal did love me; mayhap more than I deserved.

"Then let us go."

D'Opica was beautiful; that I could not deny. Seeing it cloaked in darkness, and seeing it with the glory of daytime were completely different.

The waters were so blue; the exact shade of Thierry's eyes, and the long tunic I wore. The people were exotic, ranging from L'Illians with interesting accents, to Andneeses and Cunserbians. The language was a mixture of all three languages called lavola, which I could not decipher, despite being fluent in all three. The difficulty lay in the phonetics; an entire sentence could contain a confusing blend of all three languages.

My Three silently trailed behind us, as we made our way through the busy streets. The smells of the infamous fish markets brought hunger into my stomach, as I saw the exotic offerings of the sea. Thierry vowed I would sample D'Opican delicacies until my stomach ached, satisfying me for the moment.

Unlike in Trelaine, where one could worship the Gods as they pleased, here Poseidon reigned. Thierry promised to take me to his great temple on the hill, where generations of his family's bones lay.

The people adored him; they truly did. Smiling and laughing, conversing in that queer language of theirs, he was as charming and genuine as ever. In these moments my heart swelled to an impossible, as I realized that I could love this man without fear.

"Here is our appointment." He said, as we strolled along the docks, gulls crying, and ships gliding gracefully in and out of port.

"And where is this mysterious person that I will in the very near future come to admire?" I asked, raising my black brows.

"Sea Legs!" A voice boomed, a tall, rail-thin man strode towards us, wrapping Thierry into a rough hug. "You look well!"

"Uncle." Thierry laughed, clasping his forearm. "I am glad to see you. So glad. I was worried you would have gone by now to escort the Cunserbian king across the Cauloric."

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