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Girl Meets City

"I don't understand this, mom." Maya sighed, watching the rain drops slide down the window and watched as the houses passed by, one by one.

"Why can't we just stay in one place?"
Maya heard her mom sigh before saying, "You know why, Maya. It wasn't my choice, I'm doing this for you."
Maya looked down at her lap and started twiddling her thumbs. "There's nothing wrong with me,
mom." she mumbled quietly to herself, but she must have heard because Maya heard her take a deep breath before pulling over to the side of the road. The younger girl was scared to look up, already knowing what's about to happen.
Maya's mother, Katy, slammed her hands on the steering wheel and turned to her daughter. "You know goddamn well why we're doing this Maya!" She yelled. Maya felt tears burn her eyes as she started tearing up. She hates it when someone yells at her; it's terrifying to Maya.
"It's not my fault we left, it's all yours and you know it! Why can't we just live a normal life? Why can't you just do as you're told? And why did your father have to leave? Why can't everything be okay?" Maya's mom screamed at her, beginning to cry herself. Maya could feel herself slightly shaking, with tears rolling down her face. Maya knew she didn't mean it, this happens all the the time with her mother. But why did she get the sudden urge to get out of the car and run?
Maya quickly shook the feeling away; she would never do that to her mother, she's been hurt so many times already. If Maya did that to her, she'd probably break.
Maya didn't say anything to her, she just looked down and let her tears fall into her shaking hands that were resting on her lap. Maya wanted her mom to calm down, so she had kept quiet. This is usually what works.
"I'm sorry Maya." Her mom finally said. She reached over to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her. And Maya let her, because she's her mom. Maya hugged her back to show her that she wasn't mad at her. She had a small, but relieved smile on her face. She pulled away and started the car again.
The rest of the car ride was silent.

Maya leaned her head against the cool glass window and drifted off into a much needed sleep.


Maya's eyes soon fluttered open when they had arrived at their new house.

When Katy parked the car in the driveway, Maya unbuckled and pushed open the door and stepped out of the car, glancing at the house.

No, the house wasn't big. It was a pale blue with navy blue shingles. The roof was black and had rain drops dripping from it.

Maya sighed softly and turned around to the other car door and opened it, pulling out a rolled up foam mattress that had been in the attic of their old house. The moving van wouldn't be here until tomorrow, so it's what Maya will be sleeping in tonight. She then pulled out a balled up, black, old sweatshirt of hers; she'll be using it to keep warm tonight if it's cold. Her mom also pulled out her mattress and the two both shut our doors and walked to the front of the house.

Katy took out the key and pushed it into the lock, unlocking the door and opening it.

Maya didn't take time to explore the house, she just wanted sleep. She stepped inside and ran up the nearest staircase, not caring where she was going, the rooms were all empty anyway. She walked into a room and took her shoes off, kicking them to the side. She then unrolled the foam mattress and placed it on the cold, wooden floor. Maya took the black sweatshirt and unwrapped it so that it was no longer in a little ball. She pulled it over her head and ran a hand through her blonde hair before lying down on the uncomfortable, but soft mattress. She pulled her knees to her chest and closed her eyes before drifting off into yet another, much needed sleep.

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