You're a what!?

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"KOUSUKE" his mother called out to him from inside the house. He turned aruont to see her holding a scarf. The moring was a bit chilly but too cold.
"No thanks mom!"
"I dont want you to catch a cold!"
Kousuke ended uo having to wheare the scarf. Though it felt tight around his neck, he always did as his mother told him. He could tell her anything...well almost everything.
It all had happened about 3 years ago. He had gone to a shooting range with his friends. A man wearing a black suit had aproached him and and asked if he was intrested in gettig a jod as a sniper. At the time it seemed like s good idea and so long as he could hide it from hos mother everything was alright.
He fugured scence his 20th birthday was comomg up in 3 days he would wait to tell her then. After all of he got thrown out of his house, he would be elligible to rent an apparment.
~ time skip 3 days later~
"H-hey mom?"
Kousuke asked
"You know that job I have?"
"Yes. Dont tell got fiered?"
" may not have been entirely truthfull about it."
Kousuke took a deep breath and sighed
"Im not actually a janitor.... Im a sniper for the Yakuza."
There was a pause. His mother dropped the tray she was holding. She looked surprised, very surprised.
"You're a what!?"
She yelled. Kousuke could see the disapointmant in his mothers eyes. Her once golden brown eyes that allways shined with happiness, now looked dissapointed, sad, and shoked.

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now