Training day

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Brian's funeral services had gone by fast. He was cremated and buried in the family lot along with his grandparents. Kousuke and Jackson were back in Kyoto. Thing's were normal, they had missions every now and then. Keiji had gotten over his girlfriend leaving him and was in a relatively good mood. The boss man had hired more arms dealers after his were caught. They were caught by an under cover keikan, they were both now facing 20-25 years per gun. And because the boss man loves Kousuke and Jackson so, so much, they were in charge of training them. They had to meet them in an isolated area to avoid suspicion. And considering it was the middle of summer there wasn't much people out. They were trying to hide from the summer heat. But lucky them, they were stuck having to train illegal arms dealers. Yay. Jackson had gotten his car towed and taken to Kyoto rather than having it fixed in Tokyo and having to pay for gas to drive back. Now back in Kyoto, they had to meet the people they were supposed to be training. Jackson was not to happy to be woken up at 5:00 in the morning to pickup the brats they had to train. As they were driving, Jackson was really cranky and not driving correctly. At one point he was driving so fast that he didn't see an upcoming curve in the road until it was right in front of the car.

~Kousuke's P.O.V~

I swear to god when this guy fucking turned the corner, he hit the damn brake so hard the fucking car fucking drifted. I opened my eyes and just saw fucking buildings passing by the window. I told myself 'well this is it I'm going to fucking die.'

~Normal P.O.V~

"Pull over!! " Kousuke yelled. Jackson pulled the car over to the shoulder. "Get on the passenger side! I'm driving! " Jackson was in enough of a bad mood that he really didn't give a shit and did whatever Kousuke asked him to do. Kousuke got out of the car while Jackson just crawled across the car. "Are you sure I can trust you? I don't know how you drive. " Kousuke sighed and placed his hands on the wheel. "Well your about to find out. " Kousuke said as he began driving. To Jackson's surprise he drove pretty good. Which was surprising considering Jackson's car is a stick shift. "Just what the fuck were you thinking, Jackson? "
"I'm just not happy right now. "
"Hmm. "
"Do you have any wrong-dog? "
"What's wrong-dog? "
"Everything. Thanks for asking. "
"You negative, negative child. "
"Bitch I'm older than you. "
"By 3 days. "
"Whatever. "

Kousuke, being the one who was driving, pulled into the parking lot of the place they had to meet the little brats at. Once in the parking lot they saw a guy that looked to be about 17 years old who was around 182.88 cm. He had white hair that covered one of his eyes and was wearing all black. He had a tongue piercing as well as a lip ring. Next to him was a girl who looked to be 18 she was give or take 175.26 cm. She was dressed like a hooker. Short, short, skirt. Fish net stalkings. Tube top. The whole 9 yards. She was tapping away at something on her phone and chewing gum. On a side note, is anybody else disturbed by the way cows chew? It's just like their jaws much. How do their jaws not dislocate? Anyways, back to the plot line. Kousuke pulled up next to them. "You two the arms dealers? " he asked raising an eyebrow at the girl. "Yep. "
"Get in the car. " Jackson ordered from the passenger side seat. The two of them crawled into the back seat of the car. "So how has your time with the Yakuza been? " Kousuke asked as he turned a corner like a decent human being. "Ugh. Super annoying. I like totally didn't like sign up for this. " said the girl. Kousuke looked up to the rear view mirror to look at them. "What about you? " he asked the boy. "Not great. I got a black eye and a busted lip from the dude I'm supposed to be rooming with my first week here. "
"Hmm. All the usual, I see. "
As they were driving to the designated area, there was an awkward amount of silence between Kousuke and Jackson. It was only combated by the sound of the girl tapping at her phone. "I never got your names. " Kousuke said to try to lighten up the mood. "Yuki. " said the girl. "My friends call me Snake. " Kousuke looked at the boy who had said his name was Snake from the rear view mirror. "Well nice to meet the two of you. I'm Kousuke. This guy is Jackson. " they continued driving for 20 minutes before Yuki stopped tapping at her phone. "I can scene the sexual tension between the two of you. It's really awkward. " she said looking out the window. "Shut up or else I'll throw you out the window. " said Jackson as he turned around to look at her. She just rolled her eyes at him and continued looking out the window.

Once they had gotten to the Yakuza owned shooting range, they all got out of the car. "You. Girl, put this on. This is a 'no shirt no service' place. Mainly because we don't want to pay for your burn medication if a bullet casing gets in your obviously fake boobs. " said a guard that was standing by the entrance gate. He threw her a T-shirt and some ugly ass overalls. ( ) ''What!? I'm not wearing that! "
"Haha. Yes you are. " After Yuki had put on the uniform that the guard had given her, her and Snake had to unload all the guns that they had to use to practice. Jackson was stuck with Snake while Kousuke was stuck with Yuki.

1 hour into the practice and Yuki starts complaining that this was not what she signed up for. She was having trouble aiming correctly and her fingers were hurting from pulling the trigger to long. And that it wasn't her aiming that was off it was the gun that was broken. She was also having trouble releasing the clip and reloading once she was out of bullets. Meanwhile, Snake and Jackson are having a blast(no pun intended)on their side of the shooting range because Snake was just fucking perfect. No complaining, no 'I can't do this', no 'I didn't sign up for this.', and he could actually release the clip and reload the gun. Kousuke wasn't happy about that for two reasons. Reason #1, he was stuck with an unteachable child. Reason #2, Snake was getting too comfortable with Jackson, you can say that Kousuke was a little jealous. After 20 more minutes of Yuki complaining, Kousuke couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Jackson off to the side. "I can't do this anymore. That girl is unteachable. " Kousuke said with hints of hysteria in his voice. Jackson looked down at him and sighed. "Why do you say that" "I've tried. Believe me I have. But she just can't get it. " "Leave it to me. " said Jackson. He seemed confident that he would be able to teach her. He tried for a little bit before he gave up.

After their first and last day of training, Kousuke let Jackson drive(finally). As they were driving Yuki and Snake back to the train station, Yuki started interrogating them. "So how long have you two known each other? Do you two live together? Where did you guys meet? Are you dating? Who tops? Kousuke, do you have a ring? A friend of mine has a ring and she's a puta.(Spanish for bitch)How come you don't have a ring? " Luckily, before she could ask anymore questions, they arrived at the train station. As soon as they were at the station and Yuki and Snake were out of the car, Jackson floored the gas petal to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Are you hungry?" Jackson asked Kousuke once they were in the freeway. "A little, yes. "
"Okay. " Jackson drove into a shopping center that had a few modernized restaurants. There was a small trail on the side of the shopping center that led into the woods. If they walked down the trail they would find that they would be at a traditional tea house.(pic at top)They decided to go to the tea house just because it seemed less stressful rather than having to go to a busy Starbucks or something. And the tea house was also not too well known so it was not going to be busy. They entered the tea house and were seated right away seeing as how it was not busy. Jackson ordered some tea and some onigiri. Kousuke ordered coffee and miso soup. As they were waiting for their food to arrive, they were talking about random shit. When their food did arrive,they were really happy about it because it was the first time they had eaten that day.

When they got back home, Keiji was warning them to stay away from him and he was holding a gun to his head. Kousuke took his shoe off anf threw it at Keiji's hand. "What's this about, Keiji? " Asked Kousuke. "Yaya is pregnant and she keeps insisting that it's mine. I'm not ready to be a father!! " Kousuke looked at him in a way that said 'Well that's no reasin to kill yourself.' "Hide the guns from him. " Kousuke said. When Jackson had left the room, Kousuke began talking to Keiji. Je was saying that he should be proud if it was his. And to not be surprised if it wasen't because Keiji's now ex girlfriend had probably cheated on him with otjer high class drug dealers. Truth be told she only went after men with money. She was a horrible, horrible human being, she would steal money once she was done. Unfortunately, she had only seen Keiji as another one of her boy toys. "What if it is mine and I can't take care of it? "
"Well just hope it isn't. " Kousuke said to him. Jackson walked back into the room. "We bought you food because you can't survive off protein shakes. " Keiji took the food and stared down at it. "Thanks. "
"Mhm. "

keikan-けいかん-警官= police man.

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