I missed you

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( A/N: Soooo I was originally supposed to kill Jackson before ch10 but there was many difficulties on the way. I'm not sure when/if I will ever get around to doing anything with him that involves killing him. But after I end this story I might write a sequel to it. If not there will defiantly be a teaser. Because I like to watch the world burn. Anyway I hope you enjoy the next chapter and please, please comment. It kills me to not know what you think. )

It was around 12:00pm, Jackson and his mother had been in the hospital the entire day and lunch time was getting closer. Natasha(Jackson's mom) had stayed in the hospital and the hospital staff had brought her some food. Jackson on the other had was tired of hospital food despite only having been there 2 days. He went to a café that was a couple of blocks away.
When he had finally found a parking spot and gotten out of his car out of the corner of his eye he saw the cop lady. Trying his best to avoid her, he sped up his pace to get into the café. He ordered his coffee and whatever he was going to eat. He took a seat at a corner booth and started fidgeting on his phone till his order number was called. He got up and saw that that wicked, evil, little creature ,only known as the cop lady, was ordering herself some food. He went back to his corner and tried to ignore her. He was eating an texting Kousuke to keep himself distracted from her. There was a shadow looming over him a little after he saw the cop lady leave the register. "Can I join you? " she asked. Jackson looked around the café and saw empty tables literary EVERYWHERE. But no, she had to sit with him. "Can't you sit somewhere else? " he said taking a sip of coffee. "Ha. Rude much? If anything you should feel happy I'm even talking to you after you stood me up. "
"You make it seem like I didn't give you $250.00 to buy yourself alcohol. "
"Oh shut up. "
"I never got your name. "
"Name's Jessica Parker. I'm 22 years old, from Minnesota, I've been living here for 3 years now. Pleased to be your acquaintance. You are? "
"Don't give me that shit. You've been on my tail long enough to know my damn name. "
"Ok Mr. Grumpy. What's got you so up tight? "
"Your presence. Now leave. "
"Ha no. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, keep my seat warm for me? "
"Whatever. "
As soon as Jessica was behind the bathroom door, Jackson got up and started sprinting to the door. He was able to make it to the parking lot before he turned and saw Jessica running at him at full speed from the door of the café. He began trying to find the right key to the car. When he finally did find it, he shoved it in the key hole only to have the key break. He was then tackled to the ground by the creature known only as Jessica. "Oh my god what do you want from me you freaky woman?! "

"I want you to buy me drinks. "

"Listen, as much as I would like to continue this conversation, I have somewhere to be. "

"Oh really. Where? " she asked as if she had some businesses knowing. As Jackson was about to answer, his phone rang.

~on the phone~

"Th-their going to do what to him? "
"Ok. Yes I understand. "
"I'll be there in a bit. Okay. Bye. "

~end phone call.~

Jessica stayed looking at him for a while before she asked about it. "So... you have to get , going? " she asked. "Can you give me a ride? " he asked. Her eyes lit up when he asked. "Sure! " she exclaimed as she began pushing him to her car. Once inside, he told her that he had to be at the hospital. But somehow, this bitch manages to get lost. Because apparently a fucking 5+ story high building is hard to pinpoint. "The hospital is the other way. You know that right? "
"What? Oh yes, I know that, dear. "
"Then why the fuck- " his words were cut off by his phone ringing again. He looked down and saw that it was his mother once again.

~on phone.~

"Yes? "
"In 10 minutes? Who decided on that? "
"Alright. I'll try to get there on time. "
"Mhm. Ok. Love you too. Bye. "

~end phone call~

Jackson had had the volume up on his phone enough for jessica to make out a little bit of what Jackson's mom had said. she had heard something about "cutting him off" "dad did" and "10 minutes. " she looked over at jackson and saw his expression. She steped on the gas petal and was able to get him to the hospital on time.
Jackson ran into the loby and saw his dad on a chair. "Go on up,'' he said ''he doesn't have much time. Your mother is up there. "
"Are you not coming? "
"No. They allow one family member to be with him when they cut him off. We want that member to be you. " Jackson let out a sigh at his father's words and got on the elevator to go up to his brother's room for the last time. When he got there he saw his mother on the side of his brothers bed. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. A nurse poked her head in. "You have 5 minutes before we cut him off. " Jackson's mother walked over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small nod . He steped into the room and began talking to him. "Your 5 minutes are up. Would you like to stay with him or wait outside? "
"I'll stay in here. " the nurse sighed and walked away to call a doctor. The doctor walked into the room. "Any last words for him? "
"No sir. "
"Hmm. " said the doctor. He turned off the oxygen machine and the rest on the machines that were keeping Brian alive, exept the heart monitor. He left the room and let Jackson have his last moments with his brother alone. Once he was disconnected, Brian didn't die immediately. He struggled for air for about 15 seconds before the heart monitor flat lined. Jackson had been holding his hand the entire time. Once the machine flat lined Brian's hand went heavy. Jackson looked up at his face from his spot on the side of the bed. Brian's face was now a palish grey colour. Jackson felt his eyes begin to tear up. He heard the room door open, he looked up and saw Kousuke(Kou-chan to the rescue!). "Hey. " he said awkwardly ''your dad somehow got my number and told me to come. " he said stepping into the room amd closing the door behind him. Jackson looked up as him as tears began to fall down his face. Kousuke looked down at him with his arms extended ''Now come here. Didn't I tell you that I'll always be here for you? " Jackson just stayed staring at Kousuke as choked sounds escaped his throat. "Right now would be nice. " Kousuke said. Jackson lunged himself at Kousuke. Kousuke was holding him as if he was scared to let go, yet at the same time like if he put too much pressure into the hug, Jackson would break in half.

After leaving the hospital at around 3:00 in the morning, Jackson's mother asked where his car was. He looked around the parking lot for a while before he remembered. "Oh...umm. During lunch, I went to this café. And I saw this girl I sorta kina wish I didn't know. So when she went to the bathroom I ran to my car, but I wasn't fast enough. So when I shoved the key in the key hole it broke. "
"Wow. Ok. And just when I thought you couldn't become more of an emberassment to this family. " said Jackson's dad. "Katsu! Don't say that. "
"I can call an über. " said Kousuke. "That will work. " said Natasha.

Once at Jackson's family home, Jackson draged his father to a room. And then into a smaller room off to the side of that room(never a good thing to have.). "How did you get his number? " "Ha. Oh Jackson, if only you knew. "
"How did you of all people get his number? "
"When you were texting him, I read and re-read the number until I memorised it. "
"Why would you do that? "
"Reasons. Now let me go. " Jackson let his father out of the room. He followed his dad into the dining room where Kousuke and his mother were talking. "Jackson, do you mind taking Kousuke up to the guest room? "
"No. He's staying with me. " his mother turned to look at him with surprised eyes. "A-alright. Okay. That's not weird at all. Okay. "

Once Jackson's parents had fallen asleep, they began talking. "Sooo. What have you been eating. Considering you can't cook for shit. "
"Oh fuck you. Instant ramen. "
"Called it. "
"Whatever. " they continued talking for about 2 hours before Kousuke began getting whoozy. Fun fact: Kousuke knocks out at around 11:00. He started saying alot of weird thing. Jackson brushed most of them off. But the one that cought him by surprise was when Kousuke said. "Ah. God I missed you. " Jackson stayed looking at him with wide eyes. "What was that? " he asked reaching for his phone to record Kousuke. "Oh. Nothing just ignore me... holy shit. That stuff is definatly kicking in. "
"What stuff? "
"Oh. I caught a cold. So Keiji gave me some stuff to fix the cold. "
"Ugh. You really can't take care of yourself can you? Come here. " Kousuke clawled onto Jackson's bed. "Get yourself comfortable and go to sleep. "
"Ha. Ok. "
Kousuke was asleep in 5 minutes. Jackson looked down at him and couldn't help but chuckle a bit. He leaned down and kissed Kousuke's temple. "I missed you too. "

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now