"Do the do''

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When Kousuke awoke he found that the house smelled rather nice. He also realised that he wasent in the living room either, rather he was in a bedroom, with a bed...
"What the...? "
"Jackson? What in the actual fuck!? Didnt i leave you in Germany!? "
"Meh. "
Keiji walked into the room with a small smirk on his face. Which was odd especially for him in the morning.
"I made panckakes. Theyre on the table if you want any. "
"Thanks. "
Said the two others simultaneously. It was around 11 when Kousuke finally decided to get out of bed. He went into the kitchen only to find that that fatass Jackson had eaten all the panckakes and ony left him that nasty shit at the bottom of the plate. He really couldent blaim him he had ran out of the room the secont that Keiji  had said ''panckakes'' and he couldent get Keiji to make more considering he had gone to work already. 
He had not gotten a call in a while. He didn't expect a call from the boss.
"H-helo? "
"Oi, kousuke. Long time no speak. Get it? Cuz we never see each other? Eh eh? "
*kousuke looks at camara like in the office*
"Yes i get it. "
"Well anyways, how's like treating you. I mean with the whole thing of your mum kicking you out and shit? "
*kousuke slamming head againts wall*
"Its going great. "
"Thats good to hear! Well anyways i need you to -do the do-''
"Oh God finally! Where do you want me? "
"We need you in the tottori prefecture. "
"Ok great. Ill be there soon. "
٩(๑òωó๑)۶ (・ิω・ิ)
~ call ended~
"I'ma kill that man. "

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now